The Big Beautiful Lion

Parfit, along with a group of alphas, led Kestrel to the infirmary. This was a room especially designed for injured alphas. To protect the fragile state of mind of those healing, the infirmary's walls were made of thick soundproofing material, ensuring that the patients within wouldn't be disturbed by outside noises.

Kestrel stood outside, gazing at the infirmary through multi-layered glass windows. Soft lights shone in the room, where medical equipment with tangled cords were scattered. On the lone bed inside, an alpha was tightly restrained.

The alpha looked calm at this moment, with long golden hair and handsome features. His eyes, though wide open, seemed lost and vacant as they stared at the ceiling. His hands were crossed and bound tightly from top to bottom with robust straps. His neck and legs were further restrained with heavy iron locks, and a cylindrical gag was fastened in his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue.