Almost Dead (2)

It was as if all the 'people' on the entire street suddenly saw them at that moment, and mutants of all sizes rushed at them with hideous expressions.

"Run!" Birdie yelled. Revealing white wings, she grabbed Kestrell and flew. "Follow me."

She flew diagonally through the gap between two buildings, swiftly crossed a narrow alley, turned a culvert, and finally landed in front of an old building, jumping into the hallway on the second floor.

By the time the others climbed up, Birdie had already pulled out a key tied with a red rope from her neck. She inserted the key into the lock of an iron door and gently turned it. With a click, the door actually opened. Everyone went in one by one.

Before Tegnell entered the house, he didn't say a word. He swung his knife and cut off the whole piece of skin on his arm that was wet with water, skin and all, and threw it into the courtyard.