A Gift From Ren

A bus crammed with passengers was darting across a wide, bleak minefield. It had been outfitted with a hodgepodge of weaponry from various time periods, fixed on its roof. The barrels stuck out in all directions, causing the bus to resemble a prickly porcupine.

In this time, traveling long distances was perilous. The threats lurking in the desolate, unprotected landscape weren't limited to the occasional monsters emerging from the Polluted Zone…

The greater danger was other people.

In the barren wilderness, murder and theft could happen anytime, anywhere. The journey was filled with bandits ready to kill and steal, posing the greatest risk to travelers' lives.

In an era of scarce food and resources, the primitive instincts of theft and murder in human nature were intensely magnified.

These bandits, lurking in the wilderness to set fires, kill, and loot, were often scarier than the monstrous creatures in terms of their brutal extremes.