The Red Party (2)

Ren trailed behind an alpha into a private elevator.

The alpha in front of him was strikingly attractive, his facial features were gentle, even softer than most female. Still, his physique was robust, projecting a subtle strength. With one look, Ren knew he was in the company of a powerful warrior.

Ren guessed that the alpha's psychic incarnation might be a reptile or some cold-blooded creature like a snake or a lizard because the guy's eyes always held a touch of coldness, even when he was smiling.

The alpha introduced himself to Ren as Rojo, the main bodyguard of Malenia.

The private elevator they were in began to rise.

"You're lucky. Being liked by the minister, you're in for a big promotion," Rojo evaluated Ren with a relaxed stare in the tight space of the elevator. His eyes sparkled as he said, "Do well, and you could overtake Mr. Chow soon."

Rojo's bold gaze at Ren was as if he was looking at a filleted fish on a cutting board.