[Bonus chapter] Confrontation of Jealousy (2)

Kestrel didn't understand what was happening, only knowing that alphas could be very odd sometimes.

In the blink of an eye, the delicate and gentle Ren had changed into a battle-ready beast, a threatening creature.

Ren stood in front of Kestrel, his aggressive stance clear.

Tarian recognized Ren, remembered his psychic incarnation as an orca. He also knew Ren was just a civilian alpha recently promoted from the outpost, low-ranking and minor.

A wave of anger rushed through Tarian. He remembered when Ren's psychic incarnation appeared—a huge orca's head bursting from the roof, overpowering all the alphas present, including himself.

Tarian couldn't believe that Kestrel was involved with such an insignificant person—a low-class alpha of civilian background.

A deep cheetah growl echoed from the floor. A pair of huge golden beast eyes appeared from the emptiness behind Tarian.