Is It Sweet?

Cass Chow was a man who cared a lot about how he looked. Maybe because he came from a poor background, he demanded more from himself than any real noble. His hair was always neatly combed, his clothes perfectly ironed, and a polite smile always on his face. He had kept these habits for decades, never losing his cool in public.

Now, he sat at his fancy desk, his hands nervously rubbing his face. His hair was a mess, his face puffy, and his mood was down, a big change from his usual calm demeanor.

Stacked on his desk was a big pile of papers - the report on the assassination from the previous night. He had worked hard to gather and arrange the information, but it was all useless now.

Soon, these issues wouldn't be his problem as he had been fired from his job and was about to be removed from the Empire's center of power.

The murders of Malenia and James were not small issues that could be easily overlooked. Someone had to take the blame for these events.