A New World (2)

When Kestrel reached the edge of Erdtree's Polluted Zone, she was struck by the hive of activity. Numerous alphas gathered before the bold red warning sign. Several groups even crossed the warning signs, venturing into the Polluted Zone.

Kestrel, a lone beta, attracted surprised looks from the alphas at her arrival.

Accustomed to such reactions, Kestrel aimed to dodge any annoying questions. Silently, she inspected her equipment and crossed the warning line into the Polluted Zone.

As she moved across the unseen border, another alpha almost simultaneously joined her.

Half of the alpha's body was already vanishing as he turned to look at her. His mouth fell open, showing a stunned expression. "Ah, where did this beta come from..." Mid-sentence, he disappeared entirely.

Kestrel perceived countless golden threads, akin to tree roots, forming a vast grid in the infinite space. One of these golden threads spotted her and quickly slithered over, its end making contact with her body.