Seeing Old Friends (2)

"Did she head to the Eyehole?" A voice sounded in the Tower.

"Yep, they skipped the blimp we set up for them. Instead, they hopped on a regular long-distance bus."


"I think they made a last-minute change in plans. Our spies caught parts of their talk. It looked like even Ren, who was with her, didn't know what she was planning."

"She's quite the mystery, right? Kinda reminds me of her mom. Ah, memories."

"Do we keep an eye on them? Word is, they're going in and out of the Polluted Zones by the East Shore like it's nothing. Seems like they're getting kinda famous, even among the alphas and betas in the Tower."

"It's cool. She'll end up at the Eyehole eventually. Something about that place might jog her memory, helping her figure out who she really is."

Right around then, Kestrel and Ren were stepping out of a Polluted Zone. They found themselves near a beach, which was Muros' place, so they thought they'd drop by.