Kestrel Was Taken

Ren opened up his psychic landscape to Kestrel. The world was filled with calm waves, beautiful gardens hidden below, and giant palaces with wide open doors. Even the tallest of these buildings and the most secret rooms inside them were fully accessible.

Kestrel jumped into this ocean, immersing herself in this untouched world, while also taking over the control of the unguarded body of Ren.

Starting wasn't easy. Ren's mind was a complex mix of beautiful and delicate places. Some parts were so sensitive that Kestrel had to be very careful. She didn't want to accidentally hurt him and cause any deep mental scars.

She had two challenges: She had to steer Ren's body in the ongoing battle and also make sure she didn't harm his mind and body.

Taja, however, took over Ronin's body without any worries. She was forceful and careless, unconcerned if she damaged the body she controlled.