Ren Got Captured

Deep red tendrils spread out, sticking to the walls and the ground, reaching from the shadows. A smell that was kind of familiar but also strange hit Ren's nose.

Ren paused, taking slow steps backwards. He was standing where it was bright, in the chilly and wet underground. Behind him, warm orange flames danced, every now and then there was a loud boom.

That fire? Ren made that. He went down deeper, grabbing every bit of fuel, bombs, and strong weapons he could find. He used them without holding back, causing chaos. There were blasts and fires everywhere he went.

When he got really deep underground, he looked up. The sky was super far away, hidden by tall levels on both sides. A huge and scary underground city went up and up, with pipes and platforms hanging everywhere. In some spots, burning fires shone like little stars. They didn't light up everything, but you could see the path Ren made, stained with blood.