Play With Ren

Ren felt like he was being ripped to pieces.

The aftereffects of the drug hit him hard, burning him again and again. The medicine from this underground world was super strong, but the problems it caused afterward were super scary too. He had taken too much, and now every single bone in his body felt like it was coming apart.

It hurt so much. Ren felt like he was covered in cuts and scrapes, like someone was pulling the skin right off him. Sometimes, he felt like he was breaking into tiny bits, with every part of him - hands, feet, stomach, and even inside - falling apart little by little. He started thinking maybe only his heart was left, feeling like it was being squeezed super hard.

"I need water, Kestrel," Ren said, feeling super thirsty. His throat felt like it was on fire, like he was tied up and put over a hot fire.

Then, someone held him, helping him sit up.

Everything was super dark. Ren was on something soft and heard water drops somewhere.