Ren Got Tortured (2)

The next time Kestrel returned, she found Ren by a water pool, washing his upper body. The sound of her footsteps made him quickly turn, only letting her catch a brief view of his wet back. His wide shoulders narrowed down gracefully to his waist, revealing a perfectly contoured muscle structure and the mesmerizing movement of his shoulder blades.

His back had many scars — some old, some fresh and red. It was amazing he was still intact, able to wash himself.

But in Kestrel's eyes, these scars didn't lessen his appeal. If anything, they made him appear even more strong and resilient. This fierce-looking alpha seemed to let his guard down only around her.

With only the faint firelight illuminating him, she saw Ren's wet face as he looked at the flames.

"I didn't realize you were back," he said softly. "Give me a moment."