Following The Right Path (1)

Ren had been watching when Kestrel carefully searched her backpack. At first, she seemed at ease, moving from one item to another. But when she came across a keychain with a photo attached, everything changed. Her face went ghostly white, and she looked as if she'd seen a ghost, her eyes fixed on that tiny photograph. Standing up, her legs wobbled beneath her.

Reacting fast, Ren was at her side, trying to support her. He looked into her face and saw it go even paler, almost like the color had been drained from her. Her eyes, usually so bright, had narrowed, and it was clear that a powerful memory was crashing over her like a tidal wave. It shook her very core, making it hard for her to even stay on her feet.

Ren, trying his best to stabilize her, felt her grip on his arm tighten desperately.
