How Mutants Reproduced (1)

When Kestrel blinked her eyes open, she realized she was cozily nestled in a dry corner, draped with Ren's jacket.

During the brief time that she'd been unconscious, Ren appeared to have pulled off a string of accomplishments. He had navigated them deeper into the underground maze, skillfully dodging the array of monsters wandering just outside their den. Here, in this shadowy passageway, he had brought an old campfire back to life.

Right now, he sat by the comforting flames, his shirt removed, deeply engrossed in piecing together an intricate metallic gadget. The fire cast dancing lights on his face. With his gaze concentrated and eyelashes lowered, he seemed utterly lost in his task. Slender metal threads and an assortment of tiny parts were being meticulously put together by his agile fingers.

Next to him, he'd fashioned a makeshift iron stand over the fire. He'd taken a tubular metal item, filled it up with water, and now had it simmering above the fire.