A Highlight Move (1)

In a scene like colorful paint blooming in a plain puddle, color splashed into the lifeless and dull world around.

Kestrel glanced about, seeing things that once seemed frozen now bursting with bright shades. The whole science center sprung to life, with everything beginning to stir right from where she stood.

"Excuse us, coming through!" shouted some scientists in white lab coats, rushing a shiny hospital bed past her.

Kestrel moved out of the way, spotting a man on the bed. He was strapped down, looking super confused. His eyes stared blankly, his mouth was wide open, and tears and drool slid freely down his cheeks.

His skin showed funky yellow and black stripes. His stomach and legs looked all weird and melty, and soft hair sprouted on his face. He looked nothing like a regular person anymore.