Ren's Secret (1)

After his journey from the Polluted Zone, Ren ran into Luther inside the Tower. The moment Luther saw Ren, he was super excited and quickly walked up to him.

"You've done another amazing job in the Polluted Zone. Seriously, you make me so proud!"

"I've told everyone about what you've done. In just a few days, the big boss of the military is going to give you a special medal! And guess what? You'll be moving up ranks too."

With a big smile, Luther put his arm around Ren, giving him a friendly pat. "Haha, moving up and getting a raise! Bet you're feeling great. But hey, you've got to treat us all today."

Ren responded in the same cool and collected manner as always. He sounded as peaceful as a calm lake. "Thanks for the kind words, Commander. Tonight, I'll buy drinks for you, Brandon, and everyone else."

But when Ren mentioned the name 'Brandon', Luther's hand, which was patting Ren, just stopped. Luther looked kind of shocked for a second.