A Bouquet of Candies (2)

An involuntary shiver coursed through Viktor. Holding the title of Finance Minister, wielding significant financial influence over the Empire, and with the proud lineage of royalty in his background, he was more used to instilling fear than feeling it. Yet, in this moment, in the presence of the young Kestrel, an unfamiliar sensation of unease took hold.

It was an unsettling feeling he'd only previously felt when in the company of "that woman".

Despite Kestrel's icy exterior, Viktor maintained a friendly facade. His plump face lit up in a warm smile, making it difficult for anyone to maintain a hard stance against him.

But Kestrel was different. She didn't wear her heart on her sleeve to comfort those around her. In fact, she wasn't particularly skilled at showcasing her feelings. Instead, she had a unique ability to tap into the emotional currents surrounding her, gauging the true intentions of those she interacted with.