Attacking The Tower (2)

The Queen's mental manipulation was sneaky and quiet, yet within Kestrel's psychic world, amidst the rolling waves of her consciousness, a radiant light burst forth, chasing away the heavy mist.

That light helped Kestrel rediscover her true essence.

This beacon of hope and determination pierced through the overwhelming darkness, cementing Kestrel's purpose right then and there.

Everything around her felt tainted, strange, and even if they had the force of a mighty tsunami, they couldn't eat away at or shake her unwavering spirit and instill fear in her any longer.

Kestrel gazed at the pale-faced queen standing in front of her, and in that split second, she realized the Queen wasn't as all-powerful or undefeatable as she once believed. In the queen's gentle exhale, Kestrel thought she detected a trace of sadness.

Suddenly, a mild rumble echoed from the Tower, reminiscent of a massive explosion's aftermath, causing the steadfast Tower to quiver.