A Wet Kiss (2)

Ren was as valuable as a jewel, the best person Kestrel had ever known. She was boiling with rage, furious that those people even dared to plan hurting him so cruelly, forcing him to act in such a weird way, to catch him and make him suffer such shame and pain.

The mere thought that this almost happened made Kestrel's anger flare up wildly. The anger got stronger and stronger, and there was no way to stop it. It made her feel like she couldn't stand it anymore, and that she would one day get rid of the root of all this evil to finally be at peace.

Kestrel believed that, the nasty tower, the crumbling dynasty, the wicked queen — these seemingly pure but actually corrupt and falling apart things — would be destroyed by her and many others' anger one day.

In the darkness, Ren turned away. After Kestrel told him that she would keep him safe and he could trust her, the wall he had built up inside himself broke down almost immediately.