A Battle of Two (1)

The ground was still kind of warm, and the alphas were sprinting really fast. Two betas were riding on the quickest psychic incarnations, with Kestrel on an orca and a black unicorn carrying Nicole. In no time, it seemed like the group had zoomed to where the sky meets the land.

The sky got dark really fast, and the hot and sticky feeling in the air was gone. Pretty flowers opened up eagerly one after another on the ground, getting squished under the tough soles of their heavy-duty boots.

Their steps sounded like quick drum sounds; they had to move really fast, not wasting even a moment.

Day turned into night super fast here, and it didn't follow any usual timing; they said the shortest night only lasted a couple of hours. When the sun came up, the extreme heat would wipe out all life out in the open, nothing could live under that blistering sun.