Heart Pounding (2)

Kestrel wasn't sure if Nicole and her group had safely reached the next shelter, but she realized that she and Ren wouldn't arrive there on time.

The sky lit up almost at once, as the dawn-dusk line, which took lives as it moved, sped towards them, covering everything on the ground.

Kestrel and Ren looked at each other. He had just finished an intense fight and was still breathing heavily, with fresh blood mixing with sweat on his forehead.

They locked eyes for only a second.

"There's a space under the ground," Kestrel informed him.

This mutant had come out from a fissure in the ground, and it was so big that even if the ground fell apart, there would still be a hollow space left underneath.

While Ren was busy fighting, Kestrel's tendrils had explored beneath the ground, tuning into the thoughts of small creatures like rodents and worms, and discovering a large enough underground area where both of them could take shelter.