Getting Trapped (2)

Kestrel started to scrutinize the little room holding her captive. It appeared she was still within the castle, venturing further into its depths. To flee this room, she noticed two clear exits: one being the window, and the other a shut door.

The window wasn't too high up, with a garden visible outside. Maybe by opening the window and leaping out, she could find freedom. The door was locked tight, and no noise could be detected from beyond it. Yanking it open might unveil horrifying beings, but equally, it might lead back to the hall where she got separated from Ren.

"To unlatch the door or to leap from the window?" Kestrel's eyes darted back and forth between the door and the window a couple of times, the corridor outside the door was eerily silent, the mist outside the window dense, and a welcoming empty bed sat within the room.

In the end, she decided to lie down on the bed and shut her eyes.