A Massive Fight (3)

In an alpha training room, Olivia was practicing her shooting.

This was her daily ritual, being the first alpha to set foot in the training area almost every morning, unless she was on a mission.

She lived by a simple motto: "Better to sweat in preparation than to bleed in despair."

But for some reason, today during her usual training session, Olivia was off her game, making mistake after mistake, feeling like she had forgotten something crucial.

"Olivia." Amidst the echoing gunshots, someone shouted her name.

She removed her earplugs, turning her head to spot an alpha she had known since childhood. His name was familiar to her, and she knew that his psychic incarnation was a puppy.

However, his face looked a bit hazy to her at that moment.

"I need to talk to you," the alpha said, his eyes, reminiscent of a puppy's, looked at her earnestly.