Leaving Mantidale (2)

In this psychic landscape, Kestrel and the Queen of Mantidale faced off among the flowers. At the same time, in the real world, Ren had just managed to block a flying kick from a mutant.

The kick came so swiftly that even Ren, with his sharp reflexes, struggled to anticipate it.

The mutant, though small, had an incredibly powerful attack. It could kick something as large as a panda dozens of yards away, breaking solid stone pillars. If a person were hit by such a kick, they'd either be critically injured or worse.

Just moments before, Raymond had been kicked and was still spitting out blood, trying to get up. Ren, acting almost on autopilot from years of training, lifted his arm to block just before the kick made full contact. He immediately moved, his red blade targeting the mutant's grounded knee.

To anyone watching, the whole exchange was a blur: the kick and the red blade passing each other in a flash.