Leaving Mantidale (4)

That was the real body of the Mantidale Queen in reality. The Mantis Queen's psychic incarnation faced Kestrel in the psychic landscape, while her real body stood in the hall filled with corpses, confronting the human warriors who had killed all the mutants in the castle.

The stuff happening was pretty intense, and even though the queen was usually fearless, right now, she was feeling a bit scared of something.

Before, she sometimes thought humans were laughably weak and not very important. But sometimes, something about them could really catch her attention, even if she didn't really get why just yet.

"You're not coming to us with friendly intentions," the Queen told Kestrel. "I can tell what you're planning. And if you get your way, I think your people will start a fight with us, wanting to hurt us and take over our home. You're thinking all this and still think we'd help you?"