The Future

Going home was hard, because the worlds here were very messy and Kestrel had wandered really far. In here, numerous warped doors and worlds inside worlds made it hard to find the path she took when she looked back. She could get lost in the big psychic landscape anytime.

Were she alone right now, Kestrel wouldn't be able to find her way home in this colorful, ever-changing world, but she was holding little Kaworu this time.

Kaworu, who used to be grown-up, smart, and all-powerful, was now just a two-year-old, delicate and tiny, leaning on her, depending on her. That gave Kestrel courage. She was sure she could find a way home in this intricate world.

She paid close attention, like never before, and her tendrils worked hard to help, dodging the creatures that chased her non-stop in this strange world. She ran fast, her feet touching the hovering ground.