The Grand Ceremony (3)


"Wow, didn't see that coming. What's the hurry? Thought one of the princesses would be the heir."

"Nah, it's no big deal. The Queen has been all about this one for a couple of years now. Always calling her over, teaching her stuff," one person said, making fun of it, "Didn't you notice those kiss-ups over there? They've been sucking up big time, must've known this would happen."

Another guy, who was in charge of fancy ceremonies, wiped some sweat off his forehead and told his buddies, "It's all legit, we checked it out. Her mom has really pure royal blood. Just her dad, well..."

"What's up with her dad?" His friends were all ears now.

"Um, not much, some stuff got lost or something. We don't really have much info on her dad."

Realizing he'd maybe said too much, the official guy waved it away and laughed, "But hey, having a mom with super pure royal blood is enough, right?"