The Ultimate Fight (2)

A bit later, the boy's face showed up again.

"I can see the future," the face that popped up told Kestrel. "You're gonna lose to her."

And just like that, the young face was gone.

Walking down a long, round hallway, the gross, falling-apart thing moved ahead, and Kestrel had to think for a second before following.

"Get out of here fast. I've seen something really bad happen," the boy's face showed up again. This time, something like a tendril softly touched him.

"What's gonna happen if I leave?" Kestrel's thoughts got sent to the boy through her tendril.

"It's gonna be... awful," the boy sounded really sad when they were mind-talking. "A lot of people are gonna die."

"I don't see anything good happening either," he said. "But if you go now, you could at least stay alive."

This kid was super nice and caring, even when things were terrible. But even a kid this good got eaten by this monster to make her stronger.