The Tower Melted (1)

At first, Kestrel could understand the bad words the creature was saying. But then the weird sounds got muffled, and she couldn't understand them anymore.

Kestrel felt like she wasn't the one who took down the Queen.

A bunch of times, when her psychic version was attacking super hard, the Queen would suddenly pause for a sec. Like, a kid's hand would reach out and grab her, or some alpha's face would show up and mess up what she was doing.

Everyone knew that the Queen had crazy strong psychic powers. She used to be a big deal in this world. Kestrel even felt like she was no match for her; even the Mantis Queen would only be even with her were she here.

The Queen, who had lived at the top of the Tower for hundreds of years, was basically beaten by herself. Her hunger for power turned her into its slave. She had sucked the life out of so many people to get super strong, and all the leftover feelings of hate and anger inside her finally ripped her apart.