Chapter 5

Every night Mio saw both that angel and Liang talking and the more his saw them talking and blushing, the more he thought his father's judgement was true.

On the other side Kim Jehuan (Emperor) has prepared his army to attack the angel's world. But nobody knows that Song Rok actually is going to attack the Demon world. He can't afford to make the Crown Prince Emperor. So he is going to distroy both the prince and the world. Years ago, he cheated and kill shalustia, so that she couldn't revive Myronseidon's memories and find the original culprit.

When he found out both of them had a kid and his going to be the next ruler, he thinks that his throne is on stake. He opened his one of the wooden box where he put his Death Seeking Ball.

He put the magical ball on a table and chanted "Oh my dear Death Seaking Ball, tell me who is going to get killed in this war!!!???". A blurry image came out, it was his own image. The anger upon seeing his own image in the ball made his veins pop out. He furiously called some of his servants and brutually killed them all. The blood didn't flow because they are angels lower than him. He knew that angels don't possess the ability to produce blood and nor could they die easlily, but in front of Song Rok, anyone could die even if they are angels or Demon King.

He consumed their soul and called his attendant to tell the army to prepare themself and with a smirk on his face he said, "The time has come...", "even the angels can die by my hands the Demon King is nothing, ha ha ha...". He turnd to his magic ball and put it back in its place.

When he turned back a beautiful angel came from the front door, she slid the curtains and entered the room. Song Rok was sitting on his chair when he saw that she came and sit on his lap. She crossed her legs and with the seductive smile she started to caress his face, then his body. He was so into her that he got seduced easily. While the process still going on there was knock on the door. Song Rok, while doing it let the person behind the door enter the room. It was the general of the military who was serving him since he became the favourite of the God and the head of all the angels.

He came inside and bowed his head. When he lift his face up he saw that Song Rok was currently making out with his beloved lady. The general put his head down and said, "Sorry...! I'll come back later!!!". Song Rok stopped him and said "Just say it... uhh*... or I'll punish you for disturbing me already". The general got scared, he started to say everything "Sir... we came to know that the angel we threw into the demon world is...", "Is what?" Song Rok asked. "Is the little brother of Myronseidon!!!" he said.

Song Rok furiously thrusted and a very loud moan came from the lady. He was so angry that the guard noticed. He quickly added more words "But don't worry sir, I got all the info about him. He currently is in love with his son and is hiding somewhere and the emperor is very tensed because of him". 

Song Rok got pissed off. He shouted and said "So what? Do you want me to give them blessings?". General explained "No sir, the thing I am trying to say is, the emperor is angry on that angel to make his son fall in love with him and he wanted to kill him. You can use the opportunity to kill both of them and as for his son...", suddenly Song Rok started to get interested into his plan, he said "His son what?". The general said "I have heard that his son is such a beauty no one can resist... we can capture him and imprison him so that you can enjoy yourself...". Song Rok liked the idea.

He said "You have some brains at least. Now you can go". The general hesitated to stand up, Song Rok looked at him and saw a tail wagging between his legs. He said "you gave me such an important information so I'll reward you. You can share her with me...", the general looked at him in a shocked expression as if he heard something unexpected. Looking that the general is hesitating, he order the lady to go reach him as well. She went to him as per the order and started to seduce him as well. That night a lot more happend than anyone could think.

The next day, as always Mio saw Liang being all smilly, but there was something weird in his smile. He started fidgiting with his bracelet which was given to him by Liang. The shine of the bracelet was already fading, he had no idea why. He didn't want to throw it out away because he is still very attached to Liang. Liang realized that it had been days since Mio last spoke to anyone. He was just thinking how to talk to him, when suddenly Hunas came running and looking all worried.

Looking Hunas all worried Eunseok asked him what happened, but the voice was not coming out of his throat. He mussterd his energy and with all his teary eyes, he cried "My... my babies... they... they are missing!!!". The last time his saw his kids. Everyone got shocked, Eunseok asked that where was the last time he saw his kids. Hunas said "it was when they were playing near the cave...".

Everyone rushed toward the cave and started to look for them but they couldn't find them. Liang went towards the lake and stood there with his eyes closed. Mio and everyone came and saw Liang first time using his powers.

He spread his wings and flew one meter above the ground, then he started to move his hands and as per his hands and fingers movement the water started to move. It is as if he is ordering the water to follow his command. As he moved his hands in separate and rising positions the water divided and an altar rose up.

Seeing the Altar between the lake Eunseok was shocked, even he had no idea that something like this is under the lake. Everyone went there and saw that there was an old mirror kind of thing placed in the centre. When they get more closer to it they saw that it was made of stone and iron, and the most wierdest thing was, there was a Wall of water rather then a mirror.

The water was so clear that they could see their reflection very clearly and it was so sweet like it was made of nectar. Liang came to it and spelled some chants. Within a second the water between the frame started to glow and suddenly a figure appeared in it.

Liang stood in front of it and asked "Ohhh!!! Mirror of the Truth and Reality!!! I, the messenger of God came to seek your help. Tell me where are the kids of this poor man, who is totally hopeless without his children!!!". The light started to fade but then suddenly Hunas came forward and bowed in front of the mirror and with his teary eyes begged to the mirror to tell them where the children are.

The shadow asked him "Whose kids are they?", he was so scared, all his words came out in a rush and he said "They are my late husband's and my kids! I birthed them and I love them to my life! but now... they are nowhere to be found... Please!!! please... help... me...". Listening to Hunas, Eunseok was thunderstrucked. He had no idea that Hunas was married to a man and is a widower now. He saw him crying in front of that shadow and couldn't control himself.

He went to that mirror, kneeled beside Hunas and started to beg to it, he said "Oh mirror of great wisdom and virtue!!! Please help us... we came to you because we became hopeless... Please, in the name of God, please help us...". The mirror glowed again and asked "Who are you to him to beg to me for him on his behalf?". Eunseok looked around and took a deep breath. His lips were chapped, his face turned pale, his hands were shaking. For a moment it took a glance at Hunas, then mustered his courage and said "I am his future husband. We are going to marry soon and those kids are my kids too... Please, help us...". Hunas looked at him and a deep silence occured in the atmosphere.

The shadow inside the mirror broke the silence and said "How should I believe that you are his future husband? If you prove me that you love him for your life I'll tell you what you want...". Eunseok had no idea why he said it in front of everyone and how he's going to prove it. While thinking about these things suddenly Hunas felt a grip on his shoulders. Eunseok grabbed his shoulders and before Hunas could dodge or react or his moment, he kissed him.

Mio and Liang didn't believe their eyes, they were clueless. After a moment Hunas's heart started pounding very fast as if it's going to pop-out any time. Eunseok could hear his heartbeat as well. He let him go then turn to the mirror and said "Is this proved? That I like him and want to live with him for the rest of my life!!!". Seeing the courage of his love, the mirror said "I am the mirror of truth and reality and I can easily tell that who is lying or not!", everyone became a bit tensed because they don't know what is the mirror going to say next. He pointed towards Hunas and continued "By seeing his eyes I can tell that he is very serious about you, he is brave, strong and sensible. He will protect you at all cost for the sake of his love, and I can tell with Assurance that no one can take your place in his heart!!!" Everyone was shocked for what that shadow said, they looked at Eunseok and then turn back to the mirror, and asked it to tell them where the kids are.

TThe mirror give a flash and an image came in front of them. It shows that the kids went into a portal which randomly appeared out of nowhere. The next thing they saw was the kids went back to the place where the Emperor was searching Mio.

Hunas froze as he saw the right-hand man of Kim Jehuan giving the kids to him. The Emperor said something to his right-hand man and handover the kids to him. Everyone's eyes were on the scene being shown in the mirror, but the dam of emotions of Hunas broke when he saw that in a dark, quite, deserted area of the forest the right-hand man took his kids.

He brutually chopped them and burned their tiny peices into the flames. His statistic laugh shook the heart of Hunas. The mirror stopped the image and the shadow inside it appeared again. It saw his state, his unstable emotions, his shattered heart which is now broke into peices, his blank mind which could not be able to think anymore. He turned pale, his hands were cold as ice, he was totally expressionless, he was not even moving.

The mirror couldn't bear looking at this. It said "Crying would not help... you people should go there and see the place, at least you could collect the ashes...", with saying this the mirror opened the portal which took them to the place where his kids wear murdered. The blood shed all over the ground, a trail of blood has been made to the place where the fire was lit. He remove the fire with his powers. They saw that only skull was left and all of the parts turned into ashes. It was that moment when he started crying.

He dropped to the ground and crawled towards the ashes. His tears wouldn't stop. He took the skulls and huged them in his arms. It was as if his heart was torn out of his chest. Eunseok went to him and tried to console him. 'It was not easy for them to withstand everything and now the death of the innocent make him weaker', Eunsesok thought, but what Hunas said shocked everyone.

He stood up after collecting the ashes and skulls, then took an oath over it and said "I swear over my dead kids and husband... that unless I kill the murderers of my family, I wouldn't stop!", he then turned over to Eunseok and then went back to the portal with him.

After coming back everyone became all gloomy. The air was filled with sadness, memories and silence. There was no voice of playing. No one was screaming for food, no one was saying Mio uncle, Liang uncle, Eunseok uncle and mama. No one was fighting for the stick fall from the trees or stones found in the water, everything became empty.

Liang made the altar go back in water and came back with an idea. He collected everyone and explained what plan he had in his mind. He said that within two days they have to leave this place to implement the idea. The idea was, first Liang disguise himself as a soldier, he'll join in the crowd of the soldiers wearing the same uniform and mask. Then he'll spread the wrong info for being Mio and everyone in the forest, two miles away from the place the currently are. In that area Hunas, Eunseok and Mio would be waiting to ambush them with the army made by the power of Eunseok and Liang. Between the chaos Hunas would go and secretly reach the murderer and take his revenge.

As per the plan, two days later everyone left the place and started to work on the master plan. The soldiers were ready and everyone already took their position to the designated places. The moment the fake news reached the ears of Emperor, all the caravan moveed to that place where they are waiting. On one side, the soldiers of emperor was on the move to capture Liang and others to save Mio and on the other side all of them were waiting for their revenge.

Without raising suspicion Liang tried to leave the crowd to join Mio and others, because they were already waiting for him at the destination. He tried to sneak, but as he moved his left leg back, a sudden flash appeared from the sky. The plan was going to fail because the Army of Song Rok came in the middle. The tension in the air could be easily felt and the emperor is now very sure that the angels are the one who planed all of this.

Emperor came forward and ask Song Rok where did he hide his son, but he didn't expect that even the head of the angels didn't know his whereabouts. Song Rok noticed Liang and pointed at him. Everyone's attention was turned over him in a fraction of second. He said "Maybe that fellow knows where your princess is?". The Emperor was so shocked and angry over his men, that how could his army be so foolish to not to identify a spy. And on top of that Song Rok was teasing him over and over again. He uttered "It was lunacy to come this far only to get caught by the cheaters...". "But it is worth it for my troops. Am I right?", Song Rok said looking at his trusted man and mocking the emperor.

Emperor gave the signal to his right-hand man to capture Liang, but the moment he put his hand on his collar and took a grip. A voice came out from the left side of the ground. It says "Don't!!!", as both of the parties focused on the trees from that side they saw Mio coming out from behind.

His eyes were full of range, fire was seen from the way he was glaring the man grabbing Liang's collar. On the other hand Song Rok likes how Mio looks throwing a fit to not hurt his man. He signaled at his general to get Mio for him no matter the cost.

As for the emperor he was shocked as well as surprise to see his son at the place like this and without shackels. He was even demanding to let the traitor go. Emperor shout out and said "Mio!!! come back this instant! I would not say anything to you or punish you or scold you. I know it's not your fault, it's this man who put a spell on you...".

"Just let him go father! He is innocent!", Mio said, shouting on top of his lungs.

"Just come back here, this is the last time I am telling you or-...", he cut his words and said "Just let him go dad or you will see what'll I do!" he said with an angry tone.

The emperor signaled has men to let him go. He pushed him by his collar and let him go. Liang was getting out from the crowd when Song Rok grabbed his throat in the middle of the crowd by his magic and rose him in the air.

Looking this Hunas and Eunseok also came out from their spot. The plan they made for the revenge is now ruined. Mio transformed into his Dragon form and went straight to attack them. Seeing him leading the war Eunseok and Hunas also went with their army.

The other party also charged on them, to finish everyone except Mio. Seeing his son getting into a fight for that angel Emperor joined in as well. Mio grabbed Liang and put him in a safe place. Looking him in the eyes Mio said "There are a lot of things we need to discuss". Stopping him as grabbing his hands Liang said "I also want to say something to you".

Mio already expects what he wanted to say to him 'that he already loves someone else and was just using him' or something more worse. He gave him a cold nodding gesture and went to attack the person who tried to choke him. Slashing all the bodies who ever tried to attack him, he reached Song Rok. Bigger in built, sharp eyes with shine like lava, abrasive scratches on his muscular arms and back, hair as white as Liang but sorter than him.

Looking at him Mio started to feel uncomfortable, but it is the only chance for him to kill Song Rok for his encorrigible actions. He pointed at him and said "I'll make you indemnify for what you've done with my family!".

Hunas and Eunseok were fighting the enemies, on the other hand Mio's eyes were locked with Song Rok's. Mio glaring at him and he was grinning with ugly intentions. He took a step back to sprint straight to him and separate his neck from his body, but as he took a step back, a man came and stood in front of him.

Zen Sichen the angel of invention was standing in front of him to protect the leader. Mio didn't have an idea who he is but he knew one thing that is, 'he is not someone who can we easily dealt with', he was not as muscular as Song Rok but he looked more hotter than him. His eyes were Golden as if they are made of pure gold, his body was like a piece of art and from his nose to his jaw line he was so perfect, that he looks like one in a million, but still he couldn't match the beauty of Liang.

Mio took a good look at him and without giving him a hint he knocked him off with a blow, with a speed of light. Zen Sichen couldn't understand how a mere demon can be this powerfull that could literally shake his brain off. He tried to hit him again, but this time Sichen knew what he's going to do. The moment Mio's punch was going to land on his face, he teleported behind his back and hit his back with his elbows. Mio fell down as his back was throbbing. Shichen tried to smash him by doing a bodyslam, but as he slammed on the ground Mio flew in the sky and hit him with a blaze ball on him.

Song Rok was entertaining himself by looking at this fierce battle of a beauty and the knight of the Beast. On the other side Liang also sneaked from the place where Mio left him. As Mio landed his last punch on Zen Sichen's abdomen he went down on his knees. Mio not only fought with his physical power but he also failed his machines. When he saw that Liang was not there his eye started to search him. Everywhere, as far as he could see, Liang was nowhere to be found. He flew over the crowd to find at least a site of him but failed.

Dead bodies and blood was everywhere. The ground was filled with corpse. After a moment he spotted Hunas and Eunseok fighting with the enemy and backing up each other. There was some of the old members of the Heavenly Angels Assembly fighting with them, But both Hunas and Eunseok was withstanding their attacks perfectly.

While looking at them he suddenly spotted a glow coming from the bushes behind a huge rock near the place where they both were fighting. He reached there only to find the female angel from the previous hidden spot. She was hugging Liang and pecking his cheeks, then brushed his hair by her hands. Liang was holding a maroon coloure cloth which was covering something under it.

Looking both of them being all lovey-dovey in a situation like this, Mio's anger reached its peak. His broken heart was now shatered. He left the place and went straight to destroy whoever come into his way to kill Song Rok and the army of his and then the last one "Him".

In one hand he had his demonic whip and on his waist he was carrying a blade and a knife. Who ever came in his way, the hit of the whip apart the soul from their body. His eyes became the eye of a hunter who is going to hunt his prey no matter the consequence or whatsoever.

Again he reached Song Rok who was playing with one of his woman in the middle of the battle. Mio already had enough of this play, he started to walk straight towards him when he saw the lady sitting on his lap was the woman sitting with Liang and was just a moment ago hugging him. His doubt turned into the belief. He stood still when the voice of Emperor hit his ears. Mio saw the emperor coming, holding Liang as his prisoner.

His hands were tied and his mouth was sealed, looking at him Mio's eyes became wet. He locked his eyes with him then looked at his father. His father was looking all proud. They even caught Eunseok and Hunas. Hunas laughed as he killed the right-hand man of the emperor. Before dying, he also confessed that he did all the killing without The Emperor's knowledge as he wanted to get his throne.

even though Hunas doesn't hate the Emperor anymore, but he pity him for being clueless all this time. Eunseok on the other hand was happy to support his love and to be on his side all this time. The emperor looked at him and said "You are the son of my sworn brother. Even though you tried to help them because they were related to Mio, I can't punish you to death...". They couldn't understand what he's saying. Emperor knodded at one of his men and took Eunseok away from him.

Hunas cried out his name as Eunseok was resisting and unwilling to go. The emperor shouted and said "This flithy snake has seduced you in his web. I can't let you have such a disgrace...". As he ended his sentence a man came from the back and slit his throat in front of him.

Eunseok went blank as he saw Hunas was struggling to breathe. He shook everyone off from his shoulders and took him into his arms. Tears flowing from his eyes. All the memories from the first time they met, to the day he saved his life in the snowy mountain or the day when he confess everything, was flashing in front of him as he was breathing last breath. Hunas grabbed his face, kissed him and said "I love you... and I'll... wait for you till we met again..... Goo...d... bye...".

 With his last words he left Eunseok. Looking at Eunseok shedding tears for him Song Rok laughed. His soldiers died and now he is standing alone, but showing no sign of fear at all. He looked at Mio who was standing dumb, staring in the air.

Emperor give him a voice, but it was as if he couldn't listen anymore. Then suddenly he saw Liang calling out his name. Then he heard Emperor shouting at Song Rok.

The Emperor was yelling at Song Rok and screaming furiously on how, 'despite being an angel he could do such things like sending his spy and trapping his kid in love trap'.

Mio was hearing everything as every word was piercing his heart. The man he loved and the man whom he fought for is now in front of a kneelling down, tied up in chains and ropes. He saw his eyes then remember what he was doing with that lady from the hidden place. Who was just a moment ago was playing in Song Rok's lap.

As the Emperor kept saying, the anger, sadness, grief everything was turning into a pile of emotions in Mio's mind. In the end he couldn't control and ask the Emperor "What do you want me to do?".

Emperor looked at him gave him a sad smile then said "Just end everything right this moment, son...". Mio understand what he was trying to say and what he has to do. He stood in front of him. The female angel who was standing behind some angels flinched. Mio looked at her then look at Liang again. He crouched and grabbed his face by both his hands "It's been so long... from the day we met till the day be escape and now... I devoted everything to you but couldn't win your heart--". Liang cut his sentences and shook his head, he scream "No!!!". Mio yelled back "I am not a kid!!!".

The Silence fell everywhere. Mio continued "I finally understood why you were not able to love me... because you were sent by Song Rok and you liked someone else... That's why". "No! no! no! no!...", Liang was repeatedly saying that it's not what he thinks, but Mio didn't hear him and with the knife which he was carrying on his waist. He took it out and stabbed him. Mio's eyes were closed, tears flowing like river but he didn't hesitate and stabbed him again and again.

Liang was just staring at him, looking hurt and seeing him cry. He open his arms and held his head to his chest. As his heart beat was getting slow he was loosing his consciousness. He took out the thing wrapped in a maroon clothes and handed it to him. Mio had no idea what he is up to. He gave him a frown expression and asked "Now what is this?".

Liang reached his ears and said "It's for you... The thing you are... searching for...". "But what is it?" Mio asked. "The thing you need to prove your father innocent...". Mio's eyes open wide "But--" he was trying to say something but Liang cut him off and said "No but... and... don't open it now..." he first look at the Emperor and said "You know what... I actually didn't knew that my elder brother was your father...". Mio's eyes went wide open hearing this, It's unbelievable to believe this. He asked "What are you even talking about? This is not true, am I right?", Liang smiled and said "We were brothers back then... but after the punishment he recieved... everything changed... The God changed our bond and took everything from us...", he then glanced at the lady and then said again "You probably have no idea how did I get this... the lady standing behind Song Rok... is my sis...". Mio went thunderstruck as he finds out about the reality. He tried to say something again, but Liang put his fingers to his lips to pause Mio and said "I know how... much you love me... and may be I am too slolw to recognise my own feelings...". Mio shook his head as he was refusing to hear him more.

Liang grabbed his head and locked his eyes with him, "I... love you... and the god... is my witness that, I... never liked anyone more than you... and I have never longed for anyone more than you...".

As his breathing became more forceful and heavy, Mio's mind starting to go blank. He kissed him and let out his last breath in his arms. Mio froze. Shocked. As what he thought was not the truth. The lady behind Song Rok came forward and hugged Mio and put Liang down from his shoulders.

She looked at him and didn't say a single word. She took out a small box and hand it to him. The box was quiet familiar to him. He took a look at its design and it was the same box that Liang once gave him before, but this was smaller than that one.

Mio had a bad feeling about opening it. She pushed the box in his hands as some angels pull her back. Mio was staring at it. Song Rok who was enjoying the drama from afar and snikkering at him stood up. "That is why I don't like shit like love or belief. Nobody believe anyone". Mio turned his gaze over him, as he continued "Even your father doesn't believe you--", "Rubbish!!! I believe my son" Emperor said, cutting him in the middle.

"Yes-Yes..., you definitely do. But you know what, just look at your surrounding. You would definitely enjoy it". Song Rok said taunting him. When everyone turned they saw the army of angels came again. They didn't revive but he called more force by the time when they were busy.

Emperor gritted his teeth and commanded everyone to not let the angels win this war. Mio sitting in the middle of the battle, as both Song Rok and Emperor were fighting as well. Mio was holding Liang tightly hoping for him to wake up and forgive him for judging about him. An Angel never bleed if it's killed by the weapon of angels but they could if they were hit by demons weapons, and that's the thing with Liang too. The wounds of liang was bleeding. Mio carsses his hair then gently touched his wounds.

Seeing the wounds caused by him, he was now totally shattered. His life, his everything had come to an end. He cried so hard but no one heard. Then the suddenly he saw one more feamiliar body. Eunseok also died. His body was covering Hunas's body and he died just like that. Their love for each other led them die together. But Mio couldn't, as he was the one who killed his own love and doubted him.

Mio turned pale. The battle was still going he saw a glowing face in the dust flying by the feets of the soldiers. He focused and saw that Liang's sister was on her knees, both her hands joint and praying to the god. This hit his head, he remembered he had to prove his father innocent as well. But he didn't know how to call the God.

If Liang would be here he could definitely do something...". He said with the hoarse voice. Then he saw the box. He opened it. Two pairs of ring with shiny pearls as he is wearing in his bracelet. He put one on his ring finger and one on Liang's. He was just grabbing his hands and thought "Only if I know how to call god... Oh God!!! please help me!!!". Then the words came on his mouth "Oh!!! the god of the universe, please hear my request. Everything is going wrong and I... son of my mother Shalustia and father Myronseidon call you to show the evidence which me, my mother and... my love Liang has collected to prove that my father Myronseidon is victim and 'Song Rok' is the real culprit...". As he finished his sentence the climate changed.

The wind became strong, the sky turned red, black clouds everywhere and the people who were fighting paused.

Everyones focus went to the sky, a light came ripping the clouds and fell on Mio. Mio looked up and a sound came "What do you want to explain?". Mio hugging Liang, said "Oh God! I, son of Shalustia and Myronseidon, have the evidence to prove that my father is innocent..."

God's voice paused for a second then said "It's up to me to decide who is innocent and who is in the fault. First show it to me...". Mio unveiled whatever was under the cloth and saw it was Song Rok's Death Seeking Ball. Song Rok shouted "How the fuck do you have my ball? You dirty bitch!!!", as he moved, God warned him and glued his legs to the ground.

Mio found a paper, in it is the spell that makes the ball work. As Mio spelled it out and asked it to show the truth what happened at the time of choosing the leader and what Song Rok did, everything came into light.

God's mercy is good and his punishment is equally worse. God with the thunderous voice said "Even though I don't keep an eye on my angels because I thought I make them pure. But you ashamed me. From now on you'r no longer an angel you are going to rot in human's world for the rest of eternity. You will not get what you want...". As the God gave his judgement Song Rok turned into ashes. His angelic energy turned into a human soul and went up.

God gave Myronseidon his original look back and asked him to come back to the world of angels but he refused. He look at his dead brothers body whom Mio was hugging tightly, then he looked up. God asked him "Why don't you want to come back?". Myronseidon replied "I am honoured that you have choose me to be the leader, but Lord... if I go back, the place I have spent time to put in order would ruin. Please let me stay here as the ruler of Demon World...".

God understood and said "Okay, if you want to stay here you can, but you can't live alone. So, I will give you something which'll stay with you for the rest of your life...".

A soul looking think came down from the sky and as it put it's feet on the ground, Mio and his father couldn't believe. It was his wife, "Shalustia!". "Yes... I missed you...", she hugged him.

God look at them and then saw Mio holding Liang. "Who is that angel in your arms?" God asked. Mio told everything from how they met to how it came to an end. God was surprised he saw the body of Hunas and Eunseok as well and said "An angel and demon can't be together, and on top of that he was the brother of Myronseidon, your father. But after listening to the affection you both have with each other, I understand how much you love each other...".

Mio went dejected, but God continued "In that case I'll grant you a boon. Both of you and your friends will met again and again until you and they find their Lost love in human world, and you people will Reborn again and again, till the end of the world!".

Myronseidon and Shalustia was looking at them, they saw Mio then smile and nodded. Mio look at them with teary eyes then turn back to God's direction. With this God granted all four of them including Eunseok and Hunas, the reward for finding the real culprit and being truthful people. Mio was still hugging Liang as his tears were flowing and he was repeatedly saying "We'll meet again and again until I find you...". His eyes become heavy and hazy as he said his final words "It would be Our Rebirth as mortals...". With this being said he took his last breath embracing Liang in his arms. One hand holding him while the other hand with ring grabbing his hand.