Season 1 Chapter 6: "9 Nations of Azur Lane: Warship Distribution"

(Saturday Early Morning in the 1st Week of January 19##)

(Main Sentinel Fleet --- Aircraft Carrier Diwata-Class --- Celestial Skyfortress)

(Celestial Skyfortress --- VIPs Quarters --- Shipgirls)

All fleets from the Sentinel, Seraphim, Glacier, and Shadowstorm provided all shipgirls at their own living quarters and for the personnels of the shipgirls was provided with same of those cabins of either officer's cabin or enlisted rank's cabin.

(Eagle Union Temporarily Quarters)

Early Morning, Aircraft Carriers Enterprise and Hornet are staying in one room and woke up with a comfortable looking face.

Enterprise: It's been a while since I slept well, since those nightmares almost shown to me.

Hornet: Everything here are very comfortable to sleep and rest, I can't believe they provided us with so much hospitality.

Enterprise: I agree, but Admiral Accel said that because we are an important guest and allies.

Hornet: I'm kind of hungry, let's get up and head to breakfast.

Enterprise: Okay, let's go.

(Royal Navy Temporarily Quarters)

Belfast enters the room to wake up Queen Elizabeth and Warspite, who are sharing the room.

Belfast: Good morning Your Majesty, it's time to wake up. And breakfast is ready at the Mess Hall.

But Queen Elizabeth was sleeping soundly, because she is having the most blissful and comfortable sleep ever. Then, Belfast went to the other side of the bed to wake up Warspite.

Belfast: Good morning, Madam Warspite it's time to wake up and have breakfast at the Mess Hall.

Warspite: Thank you, Bel. For waking up at this time. Is her majesty awaking yet?

Belfast: It seems not, she is sleeping too well and unable to wake up.

Warspite: I understand, because I sense everything around us is very comfortable, even I was sleeping comfortably. Bel how about used that method.

Belfast: I understand. Your majesty, it's time to wake up or else the delicious food they are making for breakfast will be finish.

Because of that Queen Elizabeth woke up directly, because it became her favorite after tasting the foods last night and was not able to forget the taste and hope to eat again like that.

Queen Elizabeth: Bel, why did you make me up.

Belfast: I tried waking you up, your majesty. And seems you have a comfortable sleep.

Queen Elizabeth: Well, I apologize for that. But as you said it was comfortable place to rest and sleep, that tempted me more to sleep.

Belfast and the other maid shipgirls help, Queen Elizabeth and Warspite to get ready and head to the Mess Hall for breakfast.

(Sakura Empire Temporarily Quarters)

Nagato: This day is the most comfortable sleep; I have experience since I am always busy with paperwork and meetings with the other shipgirls.

Mutsu: Good morning, Nagato-nee. This place is amazing, everything here is too comfortable to stay and want more to sleep.

Destroyer Shiratsuyu-Class Kawakaze: Lady Nagato and Lady Mutsu, it's time to head to breakfast at the Mess Hall.

Nagato: Mutsu, have some restraints. I do know is comfortable, but let's head out. And it seems Kawakaze is waiting for us, let's go Mutsu.

Mutsu: Yes, Nagato-nee.

(Iron Blood Temporarily Quarters)

Bismarck: It's the first time I slept well, because of busy dealing so many things, right Tirpitz?

Tirpitz: Yes, Older Sister.

Bismarck: It's been a while since we talk, just alone in this room, so how are you, my dear little sister Tirpitz?

Tirpitz: Yes, how about you Older Sister Bismarck?

Bismarck: Fine and always busy.

The two sisters were having a conversation and after few minutes a knock of their quarters came.

Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper-Class Prinz Eugen: Good morning, Bismarck and Tirpitz. May I come in?

Bismarck: Yes, Eugen.

Prinz Eugen: It's time to get up and head to the Mess Hall for the Breakfast and they said they will discuss about the warship distribution for the 9 Nations of Azur Lane.

Bismarck: Thank you for telling us, Egen. Let's go, Tirpitz.

Tirpitz: Yes, Older Sister Bismarck.

Prinz Eugen: Both of you seems happy. (Smiling)

(Celestial Skyfortress --- Mess Hall/Gallery --- Morning)

Some many shipgirls are having breakfast and including some of the personnels you woke up, they were very happy, because they have a wonderful sleep that they never experience before. Like something different in their quarter's and after that their curiosity have answered by Admiral Accel.

Admiral Accel: Oh! Good morning everyone, how is your sleep?

Hornet: Very comfortable, Sir Accel.

Queen Elizabeth: Way too comfortable, that I want to sleep back again.

Admiral Accel: Hahaha, well there is something place on all the VIPs Quarters.

Nagato: Really? Something special?

Admiral Accel: Yes, but is kind of secret so, I am truly sorry I can't tell you.

Bismarck: Will you tell us, Sir Accel?

Enterprise: I agree with Bismarck, because I have been having nightmares for the past months, ever since I touch the black cube. But, after sleeping the nightmares just disappear and was able to sleep comfortably.

Hornet: Really, Older Sister Enterprise.

Enterprise: Yes. (Smiling Happily)

Mutsu: Sir Accel, please tell what kind of special thing on those VIPs quarters.

Admiral Accel: Fine, I will tell you. In all of the VIPs Quarters are place with Rune Magic. Like example Dreamweaver Rune, Tranquility Rune, Nightguard Rune, and more than 5 other runes.

Bismarck: I heard from the people from other worlds that have magic, that rune magic draws its power, symbolism, and harness its power.

Admiral Accel: That is correct.

Enterprise: Hmm? Nightguard Rune? What's that?

Admiral Accel: Nightguard Rune is a protective rune forms a barrier around the sleeping area, warding off nightmares and negative energies that may disturb the person's sleep. Maybe that is the reason that your nightmares was ward off.

Enterprise: Wow! Amazing, is there possible to have one like that?

Admiral Accel: Yes, though I need to ask permission to Fleet Admiral Welt, to allow me to give you one.

Enterprise: Did you make those runes magics?

Admiral Accel: Yes, I make those and responsible in taking care of those runes magics.

Enterprise: I understand, I hope you will give me one, so that I won't have trouble sleeping again.

Admiral Accel: Fine, I will give you one as a gift for our friendship.

Enterprise: Really, I really thank you, Sir Accel.

Then something unexpected appear after he said that to Enterprise.

Window System: Aircraft Carrier Enterprise Favorability increase by 1. (50 -> 51)

Admiral Accel: Huh? What the hell? (Talking to Himself)

Enterprise: Is something wrong, Sir Accel?

Admiral Accel: Nothing and after eating breakfast, I need you to come with me to discuss about the Warship Distribution for the 9 Nations of Azur Lane.

Enterprise: Understood, Sir Accel.

Queen Elizabeth: Okay...

Nagato: Yes, Sir Accel.

Bismarck nodded with agreement.

After 2 hours of enjoying their breakfast, Admiral Accel guided the 4 Leaders of the Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood to the Main Deck to have a conference meeting to discuss the warship distribution.

Admiral Accel: CIC, this is Admiral Accel. Please inform all Officers, Enlisted Ranks, Azur Lane Personnels, and Azur Lane Shipgirls to have conference call regarding the warship distribution of the Sentinel, Seraphim, Glacier, and Shadowstorm Fleets.

CIC Officer: Yes, Admiral Accel. Initiating a conference call to all designated command centers now.

[Conference call initiated]

Enterprise: I can't really get use of their communication here.

Bismarck: But learning this kind of technology is worth it.

Warspite: I agree with Bismarck.

Nagato: I agree as well.

Admiral Accel: Attention, all fleet admirals, commanders, officers, enlisted ranks, and other participants. This is Admiral Accel speaking. I have initiated this conference call to discuss about the warship distribution for the 9 Nations of Azur Lane. Please confirm your presence and readiness to proceed.

[Participants confirm their presence and readiness.]

Admiral Accel: Thank you all for joining. Let's address the discussions about the distribution of the warships for the 9 Nations of Azur Lane. I will provide a brief overview, and then we can open the floor for discussion and input from each participant. Please feel free to share any relevant information, insights, or recommendations.

Fleet Admirals, Admirals, Officers, and Enlisted Ranks do much brainstorming on how to distribute the warships for the 9 Nations of Azur Lane. After of 2 to 3 hours of discussion about the distribution of the warships they made already the conclusion and here are the results:

Eagle Union: 70 warships

Aircraft Carriers: 10

Battleships: 10

Destroyers: 20

Cruisers: 15

Frigates: 5

Corvettes: 5

Submarines: 5

Royal Navy: 65 warships

Battleships: 15

Destroyers: 15

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Corvettes: 5

Submarines: 5

Mine Countermeasure Vessels: 5

Iron Blood: 60 warships

Aircraft Carriers: 10

Destroyers: 15

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Corvettes: 5

Submarines: 5

Mine Countermeasure Vessels: 5

Northern Parliament: 55 warships

Battleships: 10

Destroyers: 10

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Corvettes: 5

Submarines: 5

Mine Countermeasure Vessels: 5

Sakura Empire: 50 warships

Aircraft Carriers: 10

Destroyers: 10

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Corvettes: 5

Submarines: 5

Sardegna Empire: 50 warships

Battleships: 10

Destroyers: 10

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Corvettes: 5

Submarines: 5

Vichya Dominion: 45 warships

Aircraft Carriers: 5

Destroyers: 10

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Submarines: 5

Mine Countermeasure Vessels: 5

Dragon Empery: 45 warships

Battleships: 5

Destroyers: 10

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Submarines: 5

Mine Countermeasure Vessels: 5

Iris Libre: 40 warships

Destroyers: 10

Cruisers: 10

Frigates: 10

Submarines: 5

Mine Countermeasure Vessels: 5

All Fleet Admirals, Admirals, Officers, and Enlisted Ranks agreed to this distribution of warships for the 9 Nations of Azur Lane, 4 of the Leaders of Azur Lane Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood accepted it. After the distribution of the warships, a message was sent by the CIC, that they are detecting a big island 100km away from the Fleets, meaning to say that they are almost arriving at Azur Lane Main Base.