Season 1 Chapter 11: "Tour at the Azur Land Island Part 2"

(Sunday Morning in the 1st Week of January 19##)

(Azur Lane Main Base --- Location: Hawaii --- Main Command Center)

(Azur Lane Island Base --- Facilities Near the Dockyards)

(Faefall's Foothold in Azur Lane Island)

Petty Officer Second Class Ava: This designated area where shipgirls can hone their combat skills, practice formations, and improve their abilities. It's essential for ensuring they are ready for any battles that lie ahead. That is why we place this area near the dockyards to have a friendly battle to each other on the sea, because practical battles are more efficient than lecturing, but lecturing is also important, because they will teach you what who should learn, depending on you ship type.

Rear Admiral (UH) Arinor: I agree with you that shipgirls overall abilities and performance will improve if you do practical battles than lecture, but lecture can let you learn based on your ship types. I am very impressed with this.

Rear Admiral (UH) Mohjaipee Santos: Ms. Ava, is there a place where shipgirls do lecturing in this Azur Lane Island?

Petty Officer Second Class Ava: Yes, it is called "Naval Institute". But soon, we will visit that area, because there are a lot of areas near the Dockyard, then we will go to the center part of the Island of Azur Lane.

Rear Admiral (UH) Mohjaipee Santos: I understand, Ms. Ava.

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: Next area is called the "Logistics Hub".

(Logistics Hub in Azur Lane Island)

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: This is the warehouse stocked with essential resources like fuel, ammunition, and spare parts for ship maintenance and construction. The supply depot plays a crucial role in keeping the fleet fully operational.

Admiral Accel: It seems the Azur Lane Island Logistics Hub has less resources, is there a reason?

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: There is a reason, because since we are in the Pacific our cargoes from the 9 Nations keeps on getting attack with the nod ships and those mass-produced Sirens. For some reason, they are very active, but there are no signs with those Sirens that has their own mind.

Admiral Accel: Do not worry, before we will leave this island and go to our respective nations, I will give you Cargo Ships with Advanced Technology Defenses and Magical Protection so that supplies from the nations will be protected.

Petty Officer First Class Mia: Are you sure, Sir Accel. That you will give us those valuable ships?

Admiral Accel: Of course, this is what alliance do.

3 Destroyers and 4 Petty Officers: Thank you, Sir Accel.

Admiral Accel: You're welcome.

Then again, because of that, the system appeared...

(Note: A created different types of favorability to make it better, not the usual favorability in the Original Azur Lane.)

Window System: Destroyers Craven, Cassin, Downs Friendship Favorability has increased by 2 (50 -> 52).

Window System: Petty Officers Oliver, Emily, Ava, and Mia Friendship Favorability has increased by 2 (50 -> 52).

Admiral Accel was looking confused, because there was called Friendship Favorability, that made him happy that their friendship has increased. But not only Admiral Accel has received the message, but everyone from the group also manages to increase their favorability from the Destroyers and the Petty Officers by 2. That some of them was also confused, but others who receive like that was kind of happy.

(Note: Friendship Favorability: Genuine friendships among shipgirls breed unwavering support and encouragement. This favorability boosts their morale and inspiration, granting a bonus to their combat effectiveness and overall performance.)

(Note: Buffs: (Level 1 Bonus): Genuine friendships among humans transcend professional relationships. This favorability boosts their morale and resilience, granting them a +10% bonus to their overall performance and mutual support.)

(Note: In the World of Azur Lane, with these effects of the Favorability of the shipgirls, can increased their overall abilities and resilience, that even the shipgirls doesn't know it's affecting them, that made them confused.)

Destroyer Mahan-Class Cassin: Okay, let's head on to the next area near the dockyards. That area is the "Restoration Ward".

(Restoration Ward in the Azur Lane Island)

Destroyer Mahan-Class Cassin: This is the medical facility where injured or damaged shipgirls can receive treatment and rehabilitation. Skilled medics and equipment help them recover quickly so they can return to the frontlines.

Commander and Medical Officer Seraphina Harrington: Interesting, everything is all here for treatment, rehabilitation, and their equipments. It's seeming you really cared so much of you comrades.

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: Of course, this is really necessary and really important area, for those girls who are fighting those dangerous Sirens, roaming the entire world.

Commander Seraphina Harrington: You really care for them, despite you do not belong in this world.

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: Yes, I really care for them, and I learned so much with them. (Happy)

Petty Officer First Class Mia: Okay, next area that we are going to sightsee the "Transmitter Spire".

(Transmitter Spire in the Azur Lane Island)

Petty Officer First Class Mia: That tall tower structure that serves as a communication hub, enabling the shipgirls to stay in contact with other naval bases and friendly forces across the world.

Lieutenant Alexander Grayson Radarman: Despite we are in the Era of the World War 2 Alternate Timeline, having a communication around the world is so advanced, but I am not surprised because those nation called "Iron Blood" has more advanced technology similar to our world.

Captain Benjamin Thompson Fighter Squadron Leader (Alpha): I agree with you, well at least they have communication to the whole world, if they are in trouble, they will immediately send aid, not those ordinary radio from the original timeline in the World War 2.

Lieutenant Alexander Grayson Radarman: Yeah, true. Sir Thompson.

Petty Officer Second Class Ava: The next area we are going to tour is the "Amusement Sanctuary".

(Amusement Sanctuary in the Azur Lane Island)

Petty Officer Second Class Ava: This facility provides a space for shipgirls to unwind, enjoy leisure activities, and strengthen their bonds with each other through friendly interactions. And beside this facility is the...

Petty Officer Second Class Emily: The facility called "Arcanum Feast". A place where shipgirls can enjoy a variety of delicious meals prepared by skilled chefs. Good food is essential for maintaining morale and energy during intense missions. And the front of this facility is the...

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: The area called "Vista Overlook". A platform with a panoramic view of the surrounding ocean and the dockyard. Shipgirls can use it to relax and reflect while enjoying the calming sea breeze.

Destroyer Gridley-Class Craven: How about we eat lunch here, before we go to the rest of the areas and facilities in the Azur Lane Island.

Everyone (1st, 2nd, 3rd Division): I agree.

(Sunday Noon in the 1st Week of January 19##)

(Azur Lane Island Base --- Facilities Near the Dockyards)

(Arcanum Feast in Azur Lane Island)

Everyone including the shipgirls and their personnels are having lunch, were different variety of foods from the 9 Nations of Azur Lane was displayed and cooked by the highly skilled Manjuus and the Personnels or the Other World People Chefs.

Everyone enjoyed the delicacy and different kinds of cultural food from different nations in the World of Azur Lane. But the most shocking fact about Admiral Accel, Admiral Khefleer, Admiral Arthur, Vice-Admiral Silverthorn, Rear Admiral (UH) Mohjaipee, and Rear Admiral (UH) Arinor the way they eat the food was very unexpected, especially those 3 Destroyers and the 4 Personnels.

Destroyer Gridley-Class Craven: Do they eat like that!?!?

Destroyer Mahan-Class Cassin: They look very different when we are eating at the Aircraft Carrier 2nd Division...

Destroyer Mahan-Class Downes: I agree...

Vice-Admiral Raizah: So, how do you think of them, when they are off-duty and on-duty.

Petty Officer Second Class Oliver: So, you are saying when they are off-duty and on-duty they will act as a different person.

Fleet Admiral Welt: Yes, more likely.

Petty Officer Second Class Emily: At first, I saw the way they eat was very etiquette and well-mannered, but this is...

Vice-Admiral Aston: Hahaha, well we are use in seeing this.

Those 3 Destroyers and 4 Petty Officers look at them. At what they saw was like a wild beast who are hungry for food, they gobble the food like it was nothing finishing the food without using utensils, but using their bare hands, because they are a nationality of a Filipino and it is normal to use your hands on eating as long as you wash them...

After eating they are lunch and rested for awhile, they went to the next area and facilities in the Azur Lane Island.

(To be Continued...)

(Note: I apologize, but I will not send non-stop chapters for the past 5 days, due to unfortunate circumstances. Thank you to all readers for your understanding and I will normally send 1 to 2 chapter in a day or possible 3 chapters. Thank you.)