Season 2 Chapter 2: "Tour in the Aircraft Carrier Diwata-Class Part 1"

(Monday Morning to Noon in the 2nd Week of January 19##)

(Pacific Ocean --- Location: Somewhere in the Pacific --- Sentinel Fleet)

(Aircraft Carrier 2nd Division --- Main Deck)

Hello again, I am Lieutenant and Secretary Accel from the Iron Blood Nation. I am currently watching the seas as we headed to the nation called Iron Blood. With my officers, enlisted ranks, and crews with a total of 1 million personnels in this 2nd Division Sentinel Fleet. I am not only in the Main Deck, here beside me is Battleship Bismarck and her little sister Battleship Tirpitz.

Bismarck: I am very impressed the infrastructure and the technology who created these ships is amazing.

Tirpitz: I agree. With this technology any Sirens and Nod Ships will be annihilated without a single dust.

Bismarck: Sir Accel, I am not really sure, if you will agree to my request but...

Secretary Accel: Ah! I get it... You want to learn and research about this technology, right Ms. Bismarck?

Bismarck: Yes, but I need permission to you first. Because I heard from you, that you and your comrades created this and designed it, correct?

Secretary Accel: That is correct, but your request will not be granted for now.

Bismarck: For now???

Secretary Accel: Yes, for now. Because I cannot yet trust you in entrusting such important information about this ship building and the structures, especially the weaponry we carry on the warships, so I apologize for not accepting the request.

Bismarck: I understand, I will wait for you when will you accepted fully your trust.

Secretary Accel: I, Thank you, Ms. Bismarck. But, instead of doing that why not explore the warship as long as you shipgirls don't touch anything important in the ships.

Tirpitz: Okay, I understand. I will contact the others, since they are really making a happy face when seeing this kind of technology, because of the structures and the infrastructure how did you humans build this on your world.

Secretary Accel: No need to tell them, I will ask the CIC Officers to immediately tell this.

Tirpitz: I understand, thank you Sir Accel.

(Secretary Accel to CIC Officer)

Secretary Accel: CIC, this is Lieutenant and Secretary Accel of the Iron Blood Nation, I permit you to tell all available personnels of the Sentinel Fleet to allow all Iron Blood Shipgirls and their Personnels to explore the Warships and warn them not to take something important on the warships.

CIC Officer: Acknowledge, Lieutenant Accel. I will immediately inform all personnels of the Sentinel Fleet. And I will assign some of the Officers to guide them.

Secretary Accel: Good. Thank you, CIC.

(Mess Hall/Gallery)

(Note: I created new name and added new facilities on the warships, but first I will only tell the Aircraft Carriers facilities, other warships will be soon.)

(Note: This is Fanfiction not the Original Azur Lane.)

Aircraft Carrier Graf Zepplin (Research Vessel): So, what do you think of these ships structure and especially the weaponries?

(Roles for Graf Zepplin: Modeled after the real-life German aircraft carrier, Graf Zeppelin is a shipgirl with a strong passion for scientific discovery. She leads a team of researchers and engineers, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of aviation technology. Graf Zeppelin specializes in aircraft design and optimization, constantly improving the performance of carrier-based planes for maximum efficiency in combat.)

Battlecruiser Scharnhorst (Scientist): Truly amazing and impressive, creating this kind of huge and powerful ships are considered already a threat.

(Roles for Scharnhorst: Scharnhorst is a battlecruiser shipgirl known for her tactical brilliance and strategic insights. As a researcher, she focuses on naval warfare doctrines and battlefield analysis. Her analytical mind and ability to predict enemy movements lead to the development of highly effective battle strategies for the Iron Blood fleet.)

Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen (Technician): I agree, with our combine power of our nation and this advanced technology with the mixture called "magic", we could create powerful weaponries and defenses to destroy all Sirens and Nodes threats we encounter.

(Roles for Prinz Eugen: Prinz Eugen is a cruiser shipgirl with a knack for salvaging and repurposing enemy technology. She plays a crucial role in reverse-engineering captured Siren tech and integrating their powerful weaponry into Iron Blood's arsenal. Prinz Eugen's adaptability and ingenuity make her a vital asset in countering the Siren threat.)

Submarine U-556 (Engineer): But what I am interested in, is there submarines. I want to see how powerful they are.

(Roles for U-556: U-556 is a submarine shipgirl with a keen interest in advanced underwater technologies. She excels in designing stealth systems and anti-detection measures, allowing the Iron Blood's submarines to operate covertly and strike their enemies with precision. U-556 is often found experimenting with innovative propulsion methods to enhance the speed and agility of her submarine companions.)

Destroyer Z23 (Inventor): Everything around us, are all advanced technology, want I want to see is their gadgets and blueprints.

(Roles for Z23: Z23 is a destroyer shipgirl with a talent for engineering and inventing new gadgets. She is the brains behind various technological gadgets used by the Iron Blood's shipgirls, ranging from advanced communication devices to stealth equipment. Z23's inventions often provide a significant advantage to her allies during critical missions.)

Light Aircraft Carrier Weser (Command Carrier Researcher): What I am interested is the magic, that the people of the other worlds taught us, what is magic. Back on the Azur Lane Island Base, according to the wizards from their world that those Fleets is overflowing with so much mana, much stronger than those what Dragons from their world. I would like to research the ships mana and energy.

(3 people came it the Mess Hall/Gallery)

Battleship Bismarck (Scientist): Oh! It seems all the Head of the Researchers Team are all here.

(Roles of Bismarck: Bismarck, the formidable battleship of the Iron Blood, is not just a powerful warrior but also a brilliant scientist. Her expertise lies in materials engineering and developing armor enhancements, making Iron Blood's ships more resilient in battles. Bismarck's research is instrumental in designing state-of-the-art defensive systems.)

Battleship Tirpitz (Naval Architect): Based on your look, you want to know the information about these Warships, right?

(Roles of Tirpitz: Tirpitz, a battleship shipgirl, is a brilliant naval architect and engineer. She specializes in designing and constructing state-of-the-art ships, including carriers and battleships. Her innovative designs incorporate both technological advancements and magical enhancements, resulting in formidable warships that form the backbone of the Iron Blood fleet.)

Graf Zepplin: Well, that is correct, so are we allowed to look the information, the blueprints, and the necessary knowledge we could acquire, from Secretary Accel.

Secretary Accel: For now, I will not allow you to research and allowed you to gain the knowledge of this warships classified information.

Scharnhorst: Why is that? And what do you mean for now?? Ms. Bismarck did you try asking him, they are part of the Iron Blood Nations?

Bismarck explains to them about what she discussed with Secretary Accel.

Prinz Eugen: Hmm, I understand. So, until you trust us fully, you won't give us the knowledge of this warship information.

Secretary Accel: That is correct, so I apologize to you. Though I am part of the Iron Blood Nation, I am still cautious about whether I trust you the classified information overall performance and weaponries, but on the other hand I will personally tour you the Aircraft Carrier Facilities.

Z23: That is okay, but you mean the facilities here is not only for arsenal facilities?

Secretary Accel: That is correct.

Weser: Interesting. Then we will accept the tour of the Aircraft Carrier Facilities.

Secretary Accel: But, first let us all eat lunch, before going all the facilities in the Aircraft Carrier Diwata-Class.

All the Head of the Research Teams including Bismarck and Tirpitz, did their lunch and ready to explore the facilities in the Aircraft Carrier where they discover exciting new things from Secretary Accel's World...

(To be continued...)