Season 2 Chapter 2: "Checking Accel Status Window Before The Tour Part 2.5"

(Tuesday Early Morning in the 2nd Week of January 19##)

(Pacific Ocean --- Location: Between Mexico and Colombia --- Sentinel Fleet)

(Aircraft Carrier 2nd Division --- Admiral's Cabin)

Hello again, everyone. I am Accel Secretary and Lieutenant of the Iron Blood Nation; this is my 2nd day of my journey towards working with the Iron Blood. Today will be the continuation of the tour of the Aircraft Carrier Facilities.

Secretary Accel: When I woke up, I feel something is missing last night, checking his status window if there is a notification in the system (Checking Mail). Hmm... there is not any mail, right it has been long time checking my status window. (Talking to Himself)

Secretary Accel: "Status Window Open". (Whisper)

(Note: This Stats is either 13 to 15 Years to the Future of the Original Novel.)

(Note: Since the original novel will be stop and no more sending of chapters, some of the spoilers will be revealed. Thank you for your understanding.)

(Note: I will place the least of the skills, the rest will not be revealed yet.)

Accel's Information in the Status Window:

Name: Accel Winchester

Main-Class: Celestial Crusader (Central Path)

Sub-Class: ???

Magic Attribute: Light Magic

Profession: Adventurer (There World) and Secretary (Iron Blood Nation)

Player Level: 2???

Title: ### Destruction and ###, Dragon Slayer, Apostle Slayer, Demi-God Slayer, and ??? (More...)

Affiliated: Celestial Citadel Empire, Philippines, and Iron Blood Nation.

Position and Role: Vice-Guildmaster and Lieutenant (Iron Blood)

Health Points: 68,750,000 (+??? All Equipment's, Attributes, Titles)

Health Points (Dragon Shifter = Humanoid Form) (25x): 1,718,750,000

Health Points (True Dragon Form) (50x): 3,437,500,000

Mana Points: 27,500,000 (+??? All Equipment's, Attributes, Titles)

Mana Points (Dragon Shifter = Humanoid Form) (25x): 687,500,000

Mana Points (True Dragon Form) (50x): 1,375,000,000

Stamina Points: 48,125,000 (+??? All Equipment's, Attributes, Titles)

Stamina Points (Dragon Shifter = Humanoid Form) (25x): 1,203,125,000

Mana Points (True Dragon Form) (50x): 2,406,250,000

Phys. DMG: 14,500 (Barehanded) (+625,000) (+??? All Equipment's and Titles)

Mag. DMG: 14,500 (No Equipment) (+750,000) (+??? All Equipment's and Titles)

Strength: 2,500 (12,500) (2x) (10x for Accessories and Titles)

(Add 30x for Race Change) (Total Multiply of 50x) (Strength: 625,000)

Constitution: 2,500 (12,500) (Multiply by 2) (10x for Accessories and Titles)

(Add 30x for Race Change) (Total Multiply of 50x) (Constitution: 625,000)

Dexterity: 2,000 (10,000) (Multiply by 2) (10x for Accessories and Titles)

(Add 30x for Race Change) (Total Multiply of 50x) (Dexterity: 500,000)

Intelligence: 3,000 (15,000) (Multiply by 2) (10x for Accessories and Titles)

(Add 30x for Race Change) (Total Multiply of 50x) (Intelligence: 750,000)

Wisdom: 3,000 (15,000) (Multiply by 2) (10x for Accessories and Titles)

(Add 30x for Race Change) (Total Multiply of 50x) (Wisdom: 750,000)

Charisma: 2500 (12,500) (Multiply by 2) (10x for Accessories and Titles)

(Add 30x for Race Change) (Total Multiply of 50x) (Charisma: 625,000)

Race: Human (Former) ---> Dragon (Current)

Dragon Shifter (Humanoid Form) Active Skills:

1. Temporal Blink: Instantly move short distances by harnessing time's power, granting enhanced agility to dodge attacks and strategize in combat. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Spatial Distortion: Create a localized warp in the area, manipulating physical space to slow down or speed up objects and enemies for a tactical advantage. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Time Dilation: Focus on a target or area to slow time significantly, granting the Dragon Shifter precise planning and execution opportunities. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. Dimensional Phasing: Become partially incorporeal by tapping into alternate dimensions, allowing the Dragon Shifter to phase through attacks and obstacles. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. Chrono-Clairvoyance: Foresee possible outcomes of events and battles by peering into the time-stream, aiding decision-making and strategy. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Dragon Shifter (Humanoid Form) Passive Skills:

1. Ethereal Presence: Faint aura of otherworldly energy conceals the Dragon Shifter from magical detection, granting them a natural advantage in stealth. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Chrono-Attunement: Innate connection to time enhances reflexes and intuition, granting uncanny precision in combat and decision-making. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Spatial Manipulation: Subtle influence over physical space aids in anticipating attacks and exploiting enemy defenses. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. Temporal Resilience: Deep affinity with time grants resistance to time-based magic and distortions. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. Dimensional Awareness: Consciousness attuned to alternate dimensions aids in dimensional travel and exploration. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

True Dragon Form Active Skills:

1. Cosmic Convergence: Merge and amplify multiple elements, unleashing a cataclysmic attack that reshapes the battlefield. (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Temporal Singularity: Summon a powerful time-warping singularity, affecting the pace of combat and those within its pull. (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Ethereal Ascendance: Transcend the physical realm, gaining an untouchable ethereal form and the ability to traverse obstacles. (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. ??? (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. ??? (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

True Dragon Form Passive Skills:

1. Celestial Empowerment: Amplify space and time manipulation abilities with a connection to celestial energies. (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Timeless Existence: Be unaffected by time, aging, and temporal distortions, possessing eternal vitality and wisdom. (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Astral Fusion: Gain insights into the cosmos, decipher hidden knowledge, and foresee cosmic events. (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. ??? (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. ??? (Skill Categorized: Divine)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Main Active Skills: (5 Active Skills the rest are ???)

1. Divine Smite: The Celestial Crusader channels celestial power into his weapon, delivering a devastating strike of holy energy that purges darkness and protects the innocent. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Celestial Beacon: The Celestial Crusader summons a radiant celestial light, inspiring allies with enhanced strength, agility, and resistance to dark forces. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Sanctified Barrier: The Celestial Crusader creates a divine barrier that shields allies, deflects attacks, and purges malevolent energies while providing a momentary respite for healing and restoration. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. Celestial Resurgence: The Celestial Crusader taps into celestial forces, healing wounds, curing ailments, and revitalizing allies for renewed strength in the crusade against darkness. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. Divine Retribution: The Celestial Crusader channels divine wrath, unleashing a wave of celestial energy to purge the wicked. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Main Passive Skills: (5 Passive Skills the rest are ???)

1. Radiant Aura: The Celestial Crusader boosts allies and weakens enemies with a radiant aura. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Astral Harmony: The Celestial Crusader harnesses cosmic energies for heightened awareness and swift reactions. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Divine Fortitude: The Celestial Crusader possesses unwavering resilience against attacks and dark influences. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. Luminous Presence: The Celestial Crusader inspires allies and instills hope with a captivating presence. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. Divine Embodiment: The Celestial Crusader becomes a living conduit of celestial power, purging darkness and radiating awe-inspiring presence. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Magical Active Skills:

1. Celestial Nova: Unleash a blinding explosion of radiant energy, purging darkness and empowering allies with rejuvenating light in a large area. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Aurora Aegis: Conjure a shimmering shield of pure light, providing unparalleled defense and cleansing harmful effects on protected allies. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Luminous Ascension: Temporarily transcend mortal limitations, becoming a being of pure light with heightened speed, strength, and ethereal powers. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. Eternal Beacon: Radiate an aura of hope and inspiration, boosting allies' morale and revealing hidden paths or obscured truths. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. Ethereal Sanctum: Create a realm of pure light, transcending reality, where allies find solace and swift healing before rejoining the fray. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Magical Passive Skills:

1. Celestial Aura: Emit a protective aura of light, bolstering allies' defense and granting resistance to darkness. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Divine Channeling: Increase spell efficiency with reduced mana cost and shorter casting times. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

3. Eternal Radiance: Enhance vitality and regeneration, accelerating recovery from wounds. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

4. Blessing of the Celestials: Gain divine interventions during critical moments, such as unforeseen shields or healing bursts. (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

5. Ethereal Bond: Establish an unbreakable connection with allies, sharing light magic enhancements and regeneration abilities. (Skill Categorized: Mythical)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Sub Active Skills: ???

1. ??? (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. ??? (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Sub Passive Skills: ???

1. ??? (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. ??? (Skill Categorized: Legendary)

-> Proficiency Level ??? (??? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

(Note: CCE = means Celestial Citadel Empire)

Extra Active (Combination of Class Category and Race) Skills:

1. Luminous Chronosphere: Unleash a celestial relic that merges Light, Space, and Time, creating a spherical field that warps reality. Within this realm, the Dragon-empowered Crusader gains control over space and time, slowing enemies' movements. The Crusader can launch devastating light-infused attacks or withdraw safely into the temporal safe zone. (Skill Categorized: Relic)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Stellar Flux Revelation: Summon the ancient Stellar Flux Relic, embodying cosmic forces of Light, Space, and Time. The Dragon-empowered Crusader gains ethereal flight, transcending limitations. They manipulate space and time, creating portals, glimpsing alternate realities, and unleashing radiant attacks empowered by stellar energy. (Skill Categorized: Relic)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Extra Passive (Combination of Class Category and Race) Skills:

1. Eternal Radiance Embodiment: Merging Light, Space, and Time, the Dragon-empowered Crusader becomes an embodiment of Eternal Radiance. They emit a divine glow, enhancing healing abilities, resisting darkness, and invigorating allies nearby in battle. (Skill Categorized: Relic)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

2. Temporal Harmonization: Fusing Time, Space, and Light, the Dragon-empowered Crusader effortlessly navigates temporal disruptions and dimensional rifts. Heightened senses allow them to anticipate attacks and augment time-related spells and space-manipulating attacks with precision and power. (Skill Categorized: Relic)

-> Proficiency Level ?? (?? Activation Skill Left to Level Up)

Military Status: Lieutenant General and Fleet Admiral in the CCE

Nobility Status: One of the 3 Great Kings in the CCE

Secretary Accel: Hmm... Nothing has changed at all. Oops! I was concentrated with my stats; I need to prepare and ready for the tour with the Iron Blood Shipgirls and I need to show them, why is the Aircraft Carrier called "Celestial Skyfortress"...

(Status Window Close...)

(To be continued, back to the main story...)