Season 2 Chapter 8.5: "Vacation in Hot Springs"

(After the incident) (Few days later)

Secretary and Lieutenant Accel Winchester of the Iron Blood 1st Fleet have finished all his reports, meetings, and paperwork's. The Iron Blood Leader Bismarck gave Secretary Accel a 3 days break for his accomplishment on his task that was given.

(Secretary Accel's Office)

Secretary and Lieutenant Accel: What shall I do with this 3 days break that I was given... Hmm... (Thinking)...

(Message Notification from Welt)

Secretary and Lieutenant Welt Hawkstree of the Sakura Empire 1st Fleet: Yo! How are you doing, Accel...

(Starting to Reply)

Accel: I am doing not good from that attack you made me suffer, Welt!

Welt: That is your punishment for doing some reckless things, idiot!

Accel: Oh shut up, Welt! What do you want?

Welt: An invitation on a Hot Spring with you and the other boys... Do you want? Or you busy, Accel?

Accel: Sure, I was given a 3 days break, what a perfect timing. I will start preparing now, send me the coordinates...

Welt: Okay, see you, Accel!

(Message Ended)

Accel prepared his things and head out on the Port, but then he saw Bismarck, Tirpitz, Prinz Eugen, and Z23 together...

Bismarck: Oh? Sir Accel very unusual of you being here?

Tirpitz: Do you have business here, Sir Accel?

Accel: No, I don't have any business here, Ms. Bismarck and Ms. Tirpitz.

Prinz Eugen: And what is that you are bringing? Heavy Luggage? And you are wearing a casual clothing?

Z23/Nimi: Are you going somewhere, Sir Accel?

Accel: Yes, since I was given 3 days break. My comrades and friends invited me to join in a Hot Spring...

All: Hot Spring!?!?

Bismarck: And where is that Hot Spring?

Accel: The Hot Spring is located in the Territories of the Sakura Empire. My comrade and friend Welt gave me his coordinates and I will immediately teleported there using my abilities... I will go now... See you all of you in 3 days later!

Bismarck: Wait for awhile, Sir Accel...

Accel: Hm?

Accel didn't notice, because the Evil Goddess prevent Accel to see there favorability... Bismarck, Tirpitz, Prinz Eugen, and Z23/Nimi has a favorability that can be considered us they are Romantically Interested on Accel. But, Accel do not know about this...

Prinz Eugen: In truth, we are given a break from the Iron Blood Council same as you... So, would you like us to join you, Sir Accel?

Accel: Huh? Hmm... Well, my friend and comrade (Welt) didn't say anything that I can't invite someone on outside. So, if you guys are fine with it, then okay. But, you still need to prepare your~~

Z23: No need, we have prepared already the things for our break, if something like this will happened, Sir Accel...

Accel: Hmm... Okay, let's go!

All of the Four: Yes!

Accel: Skill! Long-Range Magic! Grand Teleportation! Destination... Sakura Empire, Japan!

After casting his spell, Accel, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Prinz Eugen, and Z23 was directly teleported safely on the Sakura Empire, Main Port. Where Welt and the other friends of Accel is also waiting, but what he didn't expected to see was, not only him brought some shipgirls but his friends also brought other shipgirls from their nations, unexpectedly...

(Sakura Empire --- Main Port)

Welt: I knew it... Hahaha! That you will bring some other guests with you... Kawakaze, please do the ready preparation... (Whispering to Kawakaze)

Kawakaze: Understood, Lieutenant Welt.

Welt: Welcome all of you to the Sakura Empire. I didn't expect to bring other people with you, but don't worry I made preparation ahead if this happens...

Accel: You are damn to prepare as always...

Secretary and Lieutenant Khefleer Rummage of the Royal Navy 1st Fleet: It can't be help, Accel. His always like that back on our dimension, Earth.

Secretary and Lieutenant Istorma Nathaniel Sanders of the Iris Libre 1st Fleet: That is how responsible he is than the most troublemaker despite how strong he is... (Looking at Accel)

Accel: Oh? You blaming me, aren't you also including, Istorma! And also Khefleer!

Istorma: But, out of the most troublemaker and who doesn't even listens is you, Accel...

Accel: Tch...

Secretary and Lieutenant Arthur Ashbringer of the Dragon Empery 1st Fleet: Now... Now... Let's stop this blaming and arguing about this... And let's enjoy this vacation we have since only 3 days was given...

The Three Troublemakers: Okay...

Secretary and Lieutenant Mohjaipee ### and Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG) Arinor Silverblade of the Northern Parliament 1st & 2nd Fleet, stands there and didn't want to get involve with their conversation and went towards to Welt on what they will do...

Secretary and Lieutenant Aston Mondragon of the Eagle Union 1st Fleet and his little sister Secretary and Lieutenant Raizah Mondragon of the Sardegna Empire was here without bring some guests and spend time as family...

(An hour later...)

Everyone was one of the biggest and most popular Hot Spring on the Sakura Empire. After preparation they were guided one of the shipgirls and other staffs to have lunch...

Everyone enjoyed the 3 days Hot Spring on the Sakura Empire, but on the last day something very unexpected happened to Accel, when going to his private bathhouse...

(Private Bathhouse)

Accel opens the private bathhouse that Welt prepared for all of them so that they can have they own relaxing on the hot spring, what he didn't expect was someone was there and it was all of the four... Bismarck, Tirpitz, Prinz Eugen, and Z23/Nimi naked wearing only towels...

Accel: Oh my God, I am truly sorry, I will take my leave...

As Accel was about to leave Prinz Eugen grabs his arm and pull him to the bathhouse...

Accel: Wait! Ms. Prinz Eugen, stop!

Prinz Eugen: No! (Drunk State)

Z23/Nimi: Join us, Accel! (Drunk State)

Accel: Wait! How many sakes didn't you drink!

Bismarck: You don't have to worry about that, my dear Accel... (Drunk State)

Tirpitz: That is right, Accel... (Drunk State)

Accel: How did you get drunk by few bottles...

Accel checked and smell the sake bottle and was unexpectedly shocked to him, it place with multiple drugs and potions that he was unfamiliar with... Then, a tap on his shoulder and made him more surprised... All the Four Iron Blood Shipgirls took their towels off and Accel saw it...

Accel tried to cover it, but the shipgirls jump towards him... And yes...

(Next Day --- Early Morning)

Accel was sitting, while his soul is about to leave his body because of what happened and at least he manage to not cross the line... And he hope the girls didn't remembered about it, but the whole time the four of the shipgirls was able to know what happened to yesterday night, but kept and secret about it... Their bond and feelings towards Accel grew big...

(Sakura Empire --- Main Port)

Accel: Welt, did you investigate what I gave you?

Welt: Yes, Raizah told me it has contain with some high alcoholic and strong aphrodisiac...

Accel: What the hell, did you put that in there, Welt???

Welt: Why would I place those things there?

Accel: Okay... Who would place those kind of stuff in that bottle?

Welt: And one more thing the bottle of sake you gave me... It disappeared without trace...

Accel: What! Okay... that is very strange... But, we talk about that later, Bye and thank you Welt for this vacation...

Welt: No problem...

(Evil Goddess Own World)

Evil Goddess: Finally... This will be now interesting... Hahaha!!! (Evil Laugh)

(End of Vacation Chapter)

(Main Story will published either tomorrow or Wednesday!)

(Happy New Year to All!!!)