Chapter 37

Michael looked at the box in his hands with a smile before he walked into his mother's room and saw her still sleeping with Gayatri sitting on a chair beside the bed. Said girl looked at him as he entered the room with a smile on her face.

"Hey, what do you have there?" Gayatri asked him as she looked at the big box in his hands.

"A gift for mom." Michael said to her with a smile.

"I see." Gayatri said with a nod when she heard that as she looked at the box curiously.

"It's just simple cake." Michael said to her as he placed the box on the table.

Gayatri hummed in response to that as she briefly glanced at the box before she stood up from the chair.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go back home. I have been here for a while." Gayatri said to him as she stretched a bit.

"Yes. Thanks for staying here for so long." Michael said to her with a smile on his face.

"It's no problem. It is the least I could do after so long." Gayatri said to him with a smile.

"Well, we have been apart for a long time so I wasn't that surprised by how you acted. It's impossible not to change after so long." Michael said to her with a kind smile.

"But how I acted towards you was not right. Even if I had changed, I shouldn't have treated you like that. I'm sorry." Gayatri said to him with a saddened face.

Michael regarded her as he heard her as he remembered how she had acted towards him and even though she was colder to him, she had also been someone who helped him at times as well.

"It's fine. I don't blame you for how you had acted. I mean, it is a pretty big deal to be the younger sister of a Golf Player." Michael said to her with a smile on his face.

Gayatri sighed at her as he looked at him with a smile on her face.

"You really haven't changed have you?" Gayatri said to him with a smile on her face.

"Well, I guess it is a good thing that I haven't changed very much right?" Michael said to her with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. Well, see you again." Gayatri said to him with a smile.

She walked out of the room and gave one more glance towards him before she left the room and went on her way. She started to run on top of buildings as she made her way to her home and she reached the borders of her home in a few minutes.

She landed beside the gates before she opened them and walked inside as she looked at her home. As she looked at him, the memories of her spending time with Michael whenever he would visit her home came to the forefront of her mind as she reminisced about it with a small smile.

'I really have to make it up to him. But I still don't understand why my brother always acts like that towards him.' Gayatri thought to herself as she sighed to herself and walked towards the mansion.

"I should also take a look at that Lakshmi girl as well. I don't like her." Gayatri muttered to herself as she walked forward.

While the girl was thinking that, at the same time Lakshmi was at her home and in her room with a frown and a pout on her face as she had been talked down by her parents after she had come home.

Of course, the injury was very bad and she felt great pain, but it all worked in the end so she didn't see much of a problem. She was more afraid of how her parents would've reacted if she has gone there with her leg cut off.

'It was a good thing that we decided to try that idea.' Lakshmi thought to herself as she looked at her now mended leg.

She touched it and sighed to herself as she remembered the help that she had gotten from her sisters and her partner.

'He really is a kind person.' Lakshmi thought to herself as she blushed a bit at the memory.

Lakshmi giggled to herself as she remembered how she had fought alongside him and the time that he had been with her as she smiled at the memory.

But unknown to her, Sreya and Adhira were spying on her from her door as it is slightly opened for them to see into the room. They saw her reaction and how she had giggled, and also noticed the blush on her face as well as they looked at each other.

They watched her for a few more seconds before they walked away from the room and it's door. They looked at each other with a serious expression.

"So, I guess that confirms that theory." Sreya said to her as she looked at her.

"Yeah. And it looks like she has a big crush on him as well." Adhira said to her sister with a nod.

"It's going to be difficult." Sreya said to her as she sighed.

"Yeah. We have to keep this from mom and dad for now." Adhira said to her as she thought about her parents.

"I think the same. Let's just keep an eye on him before we do anything." Sreya said to her as her sister nodded to her in turn.