
"Ummm… Adam… who is Evelyn?" Layla asked as she slightly tilted her head in confusion.

"Layla. It's not a good prank," I spoke as I looked at Layla, wondering if this was some sort of joke they were playing on me. But Layla looked at me with even more confusion before speaking,

"Prank? Adam… is everything fine? You are behaving really strangely."

My eyes widened as I turned around and concentrated outside… 

[One Way Out!]


And I ran outside towards Evelyn's home to confirm something.

I ran with all my might, I changed directions, took many lefts and many more rights…

I must reach there. I must find out what is going on… I must run…

And after running for around a minute…

"Huh?" I questioned.

"What was I running again for?" 

I felt like I was forgetting something important. Something that I needed to do.