[Different situations. Different Possibilities!]

Oriel, who looked more serious, began speaking first,

"Adam. Are you an idiot?" 

His eyes seemed more concerned than angry at me. Though that didn't change the fact that he was speaking to me with a slightly threatening look.

"Which idiot barges into the enemy territory without knowing what kind of beings lies in there? Are you asking for your death or something?" He continued his lecture on how reckless I was and how I should only take things that are up to my capabilities.

The lecture went on for another 15 minutes before he finally calmed down. Meanwhile, Evelyn was smiling like an idiot from a distance. Looking at them, it was honestly hard to believe that they were the same Evelyn and Oriel who had looked at me with disgust last time.

'Well, let's focus on the quest for now,' I thought as that previous behavior. I had already stopped caring about what they would do if they found out that I could use Dark Magic.