[The All Knowing!]

[Adam's POV]

'How many returns has it already been?' I thought, as I forgot to count. But I think this should be the last one. Hopefully.

Once again, like usual, I turned to Evelyn, who fell on the ground, unable to believe what just happened. Her eyes seemed more than just shocked, as usual.

"Seems like you believed in him a little too much," I said the usual statement as I moved closer to her. 

"A….Dam?" She turned at me with the same shocked face as before, while I helped her stand up. Her eyes, that had suddenly lost all hope, started getting normal as her composure returned. 

"Don't worry. I am not leaving you," I smiled as I patted her head, making her look at me with a warm look. Her smile finally returned as she stood up and wiped her tear drops that escaped through her eyes.

"Thank you, Adam," she thanked me before looking around the gates before she asked," but still. How are we going to get out of here?"