[V/S Moon]

"Pfffft… hahahahahaha…." He started laughing out loud as he heard my question. His eyes lit up, while he himself fell down on the ground, laughing in the stomach.

"That was a very, very interesting answer," he continued as he smiled brightly at me, with the corner of his lips still smiling. He seemed rather calm now, compared to the tense atmosphere before.

"You know.. You might be the third or fourth person, whom I have given these three question chances," he said as he got himself back up with a push. 

"The first person answered only the first question correctly. The second and third person reached the 3rd question, but their greed got the better of them. One of them said that they would rule the world, making it a better place," he spoke with a sigh.

He was constantly moving around as he was speaking, circling me while speaking each of the words slowly and slowly. As if he wanted me not only to know about it but to engrave it in my heart.