[Personal Space!]

"So Gray. Would you do it or not?" 

His eyes faltered a little. I could see him hesitating whether to go along with my deal or not. Though there wasn't much of a choice there was it? After all, he was in the presence of two gods.

"I will do it," he made his decision before I turned to Alepsia as I asked," you have a contract paper right?" 

A Contract Paper.

It was one of the accessories created by the Gods to bind the two sides with a life and death thread. Though powerful gods can break or annul the contract by sacrificing a bit of their life force, I doubt we need to worry about that here.

"I do," Alepsia took out one from her space and threw it towards me. Catching the paper, I then saw Valencia taking out a pen and passing it to me. 

"Thanks," I smiled at her before writing the contracts, as I have stated before. I added a couple of extra clauses in case he didn't end up finding a loophole in it.