
[Evelyn's POV]

It has been 14 days that we escaped that godforsaken place. And by us, it meant me and Oriel. As for Adam, there is still no news of him. 

A sigh escapes my mouth as I change my dress in the guild's locker room and get ready for another day. While there had been many times that people I knew never returned from the adventures, this was still different.

He literally saved my life, even though he could have left me behind.

'Just like a certain someone,' an irritating face appeared in my mind as I moved out of the locker room and reached the reception desk. Once again, I began moving through the list of quests. I found another quest regarding the incident we went through.

"Well. They did ask everything that we went through." I recalled that I and Oriel had to report everything that happened on this quest. And since we told everyone about the Trials and stuff, they were quite panicked.