[Volume 3: Prologue!]

[Volume 3: Mages, Elves and Witches Begins!]






Location: Ellisville, Border Town. Somewhere in between Aurelian and Nirvana Empire.

Ellisville doesn't have a long history unlike the other towns. It was established as a by-product of the Non-aggression pact between the two sides. 

People who couldn't make it in either of the nations, somehow ended up in this town. That includes even the dark mages and the people with minimum to non potential.

Though the majority of the people here were humans, they only made about 40% of the people here. The other included 35% Elves, 20% demihumans and the other 5% composed of travelers who were on the move.

Despite the difference, the people here were united, living their lives without much problems. So, you might find an elf with a human, or even a demihuman here, laughing and smiling as if they were best friends.