[The Underground Black Market]

While I didn't ask them to instantly start working, I still guided them through a few basic things and then instructed them to observe for today. 

Time passed from that moment onwards and evening came in the blink of an eye. The number of customers was more than in the morning, so Anna would have learnt a lot of things today. 

And once the evening came with the hour hand on the clock reaching 5, I closed the shop and helped the last few customers.

"Both of you wear these and follow me." I gave them black cloaks. They were big enough to hide their heads and faces, while I also added a function to hide their face structure, even if it's barely visible.

Taking their hats away and storing them into the ring, I waited for them to wear their cloaks.

"Weren't we going to follow you from next week?" Leena was confused as she looked at the cloaks. And I smiled as I explained in brief,