
Moving out of the black market, we reached the surface and from there it didn't take much time for us to reach the store. All the more because we were walking at a much faster rate than before. 

Getting inside the store, a strange form of relaxation occurred, washing our tiredness away and making us feel pretty much refreshed within a few seconds. Though it was just another array, I placed within the store.

"That was… quite something," Leena spoke as she shook her head and began removing the cloak, while I helped Anna on the floor before taking out a pillow for her to sleep on.

With that out of the way, I then focused on Leena, who was humming as she stretched and then spoke without turning,

"MMMmhhh… So, are we going to discuss now, or do you have something else to do as well?" 

As she stretched forward and bent, her booty became apparent. I won't say that I didn't like it, but wasn't this girl a little too relaxed now?