
Dryads are races of nature.

Or to be precise one of the closest races to the nature.

Even though those statements is 100% correct, it doesn't explain everything about the race. There certainly are a few important things that people need to learn before venture.

Let's start with the three basics about dryads and explain the specifics of dryads.

They are always horny. I don't know if it is a racial defect, or something of a custom they learn, but they are always horny. 

When I asked about the reason for Nvida, she said that it was due to the fact that they could suck nectar of mana and nectar of life from a person. And those nectars have an enchanting effect on them. 

Supposedly, these life nectars increase their lifespan, make them powerful, and Mana nectar increases their mana pool. One of the reasons Dryads has such a large mana pool is this only.

Moving to the second