[Dryad, Demon and Morpheus!]

[Leena's POV]

"How long do you think we need to wait here?" I asked Anna as I looked in front of the elves, dancing and playing around. They seemed beyond insane… and in one word… terrifying.

"Don't know," Anna responded in her simple words as usual. 

While I thought it would take some time for Morpheus to finish his thing…


A loud noise came from the other side of the camp, making us turn towards it. Not only us, but the other elves also began walking towards that place.

"Do you think we should go help?" I asked, as it was obvious that Morpheus was the one responsible for this. 

Though before Anna could respond, chains made up of dark magic appeared from below the ground, halfway into the mud. They were trapped as such that their hands were buried in the ground along with everything below their chest.
