[Solving the Array!]

I woke up back in the inn. 

My eyes closed, my heart faster than usual.The warmth of the blanket felt cozy, as I got in an even more comfortable position, where I kept myself in the same sleepy position for a few seconds more.

As of right now, I had a direction to where I could work towards, but honestly, things did not look as good at all.

"The involvement of a high elf, a dryad and a royal succubus was already complicated enough. Why does it have to involve those two organizations as well?" I complained as I snuggled with my blanket a bit more.

I could manage it somehow right now, but if anything more comes up, I might need to recalculate everything. That is what I was the most worried about.

"If I solve everything and then the witches come out of nowhere destroying all my plans, I might go berserk on them!!!" I tightened my fist in frustration. It was a useless thought since it hadn't even happened yet, but still. A man can complain, can't he?