[Flame Witches]

[Leena's POV]

We were chased for a long time but…

How did it start again?

Was it when it was revealed that the natural weakness of the witches does not apply to us? 

Not really, I guess. I mean, it did surprise people that we were special, but since our power levels were pretty average in front of the real power holders of this world; we were just considered an anomaly.

Maybe it was the genius of Anna? That she was pretty smart and could learn a lot of things at once sounds threatening.

But it's not that either. For one part, there were few who understood the potential of Anna. And those who did, kind of failed to live a long life. Either killed by us or by our enemies, friend of foe, this fact is pretty much a secret.

That Anna is a baffling genius in small things that are considered 'secondary' to many. So it wasn't this either.

Then what was it again? Ah!! The damned array. And the creator of that Array, our father.