[Finding Information]

Waking up again in the storeroom, I looked at the ceiling at the top before I smelled the tea that Anna and Leena had prepared outside.

And then standing up, I then stretched a little, making my blood circulation a bit more flexible than before.

Stretching makes your blood reach some parts which are stiffer and gives them oxygen supply, making your overall body much more active than before.

"So, where do we start this time?" I asked myself, as I had a couple of ideas in my mind. And after going through various scenarios, II decided it would be better to check for more information first.

'After all, I still don't know who is behind all this,' I thought as I got out of the room and saw the sisters having breakfast.

"You guys continue on your own. I have something to do with the Elves, so I will leave early," I spoke as I looked at them and they nodded at me.